- A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder (Monday). Please have your student review it as the students still need some extra work on it. It provides an activity to do together. Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.
- ***Parents, I need YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework as well as your student’s, indicating you did this activity with your child**
- Optional: for extra math practice, play any of these Math Fact Activities 2018
YOU DO NOT NEED TO RETURN THE NEW FLUENCY PASSAGE or THE RETELL ROPE. USE IT TO HELP PREPARE YOUR STUDENT FOR JANUARY DIBELS TESTING. It may take the entire 20 minutes to work through the passage on Monday. ALL the time your student spends on fluency counts toward their reading minutes.
1st- Using a yellow crayon or high lighter, have your student highlight each word in the passage they can read correctly without any help FLUENTLY.
2nd- Go back through the passage and have a “Good Conversation” about the words they were unsure of or didn’t know. Talk about what strategies good readers use to problem solve/figure out the word. Here are a few suggestions…CVC if there is only one vowel, it USUALLY make the short vowel sound, CVCe-is there an /e/ at the end of the word that makes the first vowel say it’s name. Is there a vowel team that follows the rule…When vowel teams go a walking, the first one USUALLY does the talking such as ee, ea, ai, oa, etc. Are there words within words like “ants” at the end of elephants…”and” in the word land…Go over the fact that they can skip the word and use the context of the sentence to help them figure out what the word is and if it makes sense.
3rd- Lastly, read the passage together, then using the retell rope, have your student tell you what they read in order of event of information.
*AGAIN* POINT OUT THE WORDS YOUR STUDENT KNOWS and then GO OVER THE ONES THAT ARE TRICKY. Have them sound out words that follow “Regular Rules.” Time them for ONE, one minute timing each day to see how far they can read on their own. Their accuracy/fluency should increase each time they read the sentences.
WE are looking for how many words they are reading correctly out of how many they read and then what they can retell.
PLEASE use the Re-Tell Ropes below OR the one I sent home, whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding. THIS HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR LANGUAGE ARTS WORK AND DIBELS TEST COMPREHENSION.
3.-Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Green Homework folders). I am sending home a “Fast and Fluent” page for your student to practice reading this week. There are 10 words and 10 sentences that your student needs to read daily. Have your student do 3- 1 minute timings each day on the words and sentences then, record how many words they read CORRECTLY in each one minute timing, NOT how long it took them to read it 3 times. Let me know if you have any questions. The goal is to get more words read correctly each day with each timing. The time they spend reading can count toward their 20minutes.
These sentences contain words that focus on the phonics concept/sounds we will be working on that week. They also help students with what correct sentence structure should look like.
This week it’s Consonant Diagraphs: /ch/ as in cheese and beach and, /tch/ as in pitch and match, /wh/ as in when and which, /ph/ as in graph and Phil
Below is a bigger overview of this weeks LA focus: