First Day Gitters…

Related imageIt was so much fun getting to meet all of you and your kiddo Friday at Back to School Night. I wanted to go over a couple items in order to make things run as smoothly tomorrow morning. 
  • If you were not able to attend BTSN Friday, please review the following: Back to School Night Power Point
  • Please remember to send your student with their backpack and a bottle of water with their name on it. It will be kept in their cubby.
  • You may walk your student down to the classroom tomorrow. I ask that you please make your departure as quick as possible so we can begin our first 1st grade day. LOL
  • Please fill out the following if you haven’t done so yet.
  • Please click on the link below to e-sign my Class Disclosure  Please read it carefully.

    Class  Disclosure
  • Please click on the link to go to the Yearly Permission Form: Yearly Permission Form In order for your student to participate in the “First Day Gitters” I have to have your permission for them to partake of food etc which is included in the permission form. If I do’t have it before the beginning of school your student may miss the chance to partake.

  • To help us get to know your child, please complete this online questionnaire.  Your responses are secure and private.  
    Click here: Getting to Know your Child Form
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