Weekly Reminders

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1- All homework is due tomorrow.
Please make sure your student has their MY FAMILY math homework in the FRONT of their homework folder and that their August Reading Calender’s are completed with your student’s reading minutes and your signature.
Please check your student’s folder nightly and take out any daily classwork, notes etc. They came home with a ton of work that we have been working on this week but many forgot to take home in their folders. 

2- FRIDAY Early Out AND Dollar Dress Down Day. Your student may bring  $1 to school if they choose to participate in the dress down day otherwise they are feel to wear their school uniform with their quest spirit shirt.

3-August scholastic book orders are due tomorrow. Our class code is JBTR2

4- This would be a great week to start our Quest School Fundraiser off with a bang! I would love our class to be the best 1st grade class. Our class goal would be $2300if each student sells $100. It’s easy, fast and fun. what better way to support our kids while teaching to think of others less fortunate.
Here’s  a link with great
Fundraising Info- https://youtu.be/TyLLDwXPOPk
How many items to sell-  https://youtu.be/f7dJRu7w76o
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