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RazKids and Reading
Dear Parents,
Today your students learned that the places we access on computers all have electronic addresses. They typed in the address for RazKids, gained access to their student accounts using their student user name and password, then explored for a little bit. The kids really liked Raz-Kids and are so excited to be able to use it at home as well as at school. Any time they spend reading on Raz-Kids at home counts toward reading minutes goals. While this isn’t homework, I strongly recommend that your student reads at least 20 each night whether it’s on RazKids or just a good old fashion paper book.
I also sent a note home, with instructions for access to Raz-Kids at home. This is a reading program that has a ton of books students can read and or listen too, then take a quiz which checks for comprehension. Understanding/comprehending what has been read is a life skill that takes a lot of practice…AND…we all know that practice makes perfect LOL It also has a lot of other cool features like the ability for students to record themselves reading.
I have assigned each student a reading level based on what I have observed and what their DIBLES showed, with that in mind, if you notice that it is either to easy or too hard let me know so I can make the necessary adjustments.
I will have students use RazKids during WIN time in an effort to encourage part of reading for fun.
WONDERS High Frequency Word Ring. Each student was given lists of the High Frequency words put on a ring. The words correspond to the unit and week being studied. We will be using and working on these words all year so please practice these words with your student. As an incentive to learn them, I told the kids that once they MASTER the ringed words I’ll have a surprise for them.
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