- ****9:00 am: Live Meeting Check in and Attendance Taken (Google.Meets.com see email for class code) Please remind your student to be muted and not chatting during instruction.
***11:00am Mystery Science Live Science with Doug at 11am:
Ms. Smith reading “The Belly Button Book”
1. Wonders Language Arts Lesson Video
- Complete your Wonders “Your Turn” packet pages.
- Writing Journal Video
**Remember you can always find the books we are reading and other assignments for the week on the Wonders link. GO to the Quest homepage- Student Links-Wonders (it’s at the bottom) These can be worked on throughout the week but for sure on Thursday and Friday since they should be done with their i-Ready Reading mastery practice.
2. I-Ready Reading: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code found on your packet. Complete at least 15 minutes M-W totaling 45 minutes for the week. Please do not give your student the answers, rather let them learn from their mistakes and grow in confidence.
3. ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 1
Decodable: “Roy, Joy, and Koy”
ECRI Phonics Lesson Part 2
4. Math Lesson Video
- Complete Ready Math Pages
5. I-Ready Math: Go to clever.com and log in with your QR code. Complete 15 minutes Monday-Wednesday.
Please have your child complete the teacher assigned “CHECK” Lesson in blue on I-Ready Math. Please DO NOT help your child with this assignment. I want to know where they are in mastering this standard. Feel free to help them navigate through the 5 questions, but please allow them to do their own work. They are welcome to use a piece of paper, manipulatives, or whatever they need to complete the “Check.” This needs to be completed by Wednesday.
6. Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lesson
7. Science Lesson: Updates on the first garden
7. No Final Check in today.
Additional Learning Ideas:
- Read 20 minutes or more
- Raz-Kids Click on “Kids Login”. Teachers Username: nelson1st
- Wonders Online Activities
- Listen to children’s stories from Audible