More Valentines Notes

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I had a parent ask a really great question today…Do the kids need to make a Valentines Day box/bag, at home?  Here’s what I typically do…The morning of Tuesday, February 14th, students will be decorating their own Valentines Day bags (which I provide) then, when we get back from lunch, they will pass out their cards. The bags are super cute plus my students have a blast making them…The best part is… you don’t have the hassle of making one at home YEAH!!!!

I have decided to simplify the treat aspect, and just go by some yummy cookies and punch…Yes, even though I wasn’t to keen on the cookie idea, it’s easy and I know the kids will be happy with it.

I am still looking for volunteers. Our class will be split up between the four other classes so that will be a super fun change. The games and craft are sure to please, so all in all, it should be a fun filled day!
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