Student Tests and Mastery

Since this week is the end of the quarter, there will be several assessments given in both math and LA. Please make every effort to have your student here and on time.

We have been working VERY HARD on fact families throughout the school year. Some of the kids have this concept down and are masters others are VERY inconsistent with how they are doing. I am going to be sending home the assessment we did today with the kids tomorrow. PLEASE CHECK YOUR STUDENT’S HOMEWORK FOLDER TO SEE HOW THEY DID. Please HELP your student if they haven’t mastered the concept. I will work with them tomorrow as well as retest the kids that are below 80% again on Wednesday.

The Chapter 4 review I sent home for homework is what the kids will be tested on Thursday. This is our BIG TEST for the term. The review should give you a little idea as to where your student is, what their understanding per concept is, and what they need extra practice with at school and home.
Thanks for all your support. YOU ALL HAVE AMAZING KIDS!!!
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