Weekly Reminders

1-Wednesday Oct 30: Hero Day 
Wear your favorite super hero or character shirt (disney, marvel, etc.) 
Please wear uniform pants with the “hero” shirts. 
Students will write a positive note to a real “Super Hero” in their lives. 


2-Thursday October 31st: Halloween Parade and Party: 
 Parade from 9-10am in the Q2 gym.  Party from 11:30am-12:50pm. No blood or gore on costumes.  If you can volunteer during the party I/we would love to have you!  Our class will be in our classroom for approximately 40 minutes then, rotate into Mrs. Nelson’s room for another 40ish minutes.
Please email me at dvella@questac.org  or send me a message on Class DoJo if you have any questions.

3- Scholastic Book Order DUE TOMORROW Wednesday, October 30th.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2:   Scholastic Reading Club

4- Parent Teacher Conferences: 3:20-7:40P.M.  on Tuesday,November 5th and Thursday November 7th.  I would love to meet with each of you.  Please sign up for a time slot by clicking on the link below:
Conference Sign Up Form

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