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About Me
I have such a love for learning and teaching. One of my favorite things about teaching, is all the AH HA moments. Seeing the smiles and the “YES I DID It” make all the long days SSSSSOOOOO worth it!!!! I want you all to know that I am so excited to be your teacher. I taught Kindergarten in Ogden for three years then Preschool for two. I substituted for Box Elder School district then, five years ago, started working at Quest with the first grade “Dream Team!” Each teaching opportunity afforded many new learning adventures which have helped me grow both personally and professionally.
I have four biological children three girls and one boy, as well as five step-children one girl and four boys. I am fortunate to have 19 grand kids, fifteen girls and four boys. Being a wife, mother and grandma totally rock! It truly is the best thing ever!!! I love having grandma sleepovers, special date nights with my hubby, camping, fishing, reading or listening to books on CD’s and Audible . I love to work in my garden, listen to music and play the piano. Mostly, I just love spending time with my friends and family creating forever memorable moments.