Author Archives: darsie.vella

Weekly Reminders

1- FRIDAY:     Homework due Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms to show their Ram PRIDE2- Scholastic Book Order.  Orders due Thursday, January 31st.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is … Continue reading

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Homework for January 2nd-4th

1- Math Homework: Understand Sums Greater than TenA letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder (Monday).  Please have your student review it as the students still need some extra work on it.  It provides an activity to do … Continue reading

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Welcome Back!

We are excited for your return tomorrow.  We hope you had a very happy break with your family and friends.  We know that the children are excited about the gifts they received, but we are requesting that all toys and … Continue reading

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Happy New Year

I hope you ALL have a wonderful New Years Eve Celebration!!! See you in a couple days…

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Merry Christmas to all my Quest 1st grade families. I hope you are all enjoying your time off! It’s sure is hard to believe that we’ve already been out for 10 whole days! Please be safe if/when traveling. I’m sure … Continue reading

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Library Day Reminder

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our library day.Please make sure your student comes to school with their library book in their backpack. Students who fail to return their library book will not be able to check out a book … Continue reading

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Important!!! Weekly Reminders for December 10th-14th

Monday, December 10th: Library Day Last day of Science and Art club. Tuesday, December 11th: Growth Monitoring test (School Wide) so please make sure your student had a good night sleep, good breakfast and is on time to school.  Make … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders for December 3rd-7th

1- FRIDAY:     Homework due *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)2- On Friday, December 14th we will have our First Grade Winter Party 11:40am-1:15pm. Let me know if you can and would like to come in and … Continue reading

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Homework for December 3rd-7th

1- Math Homework: Understand Sums Greater than TenA letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder (Monday).  Please have your student review it as the students still need some extra work on it.  It provides an activity to do … Continue reading

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First Grade Class Christma Party

Let’s Kick off Christmas Break with a Pre-Break First Grade Party on Friday, December 14th!!!!ALL PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO COME AND VOLUNTEER…Please let me know if you can come and help with the fun in our classroom. ALL Students will … Continue reading

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