Author Archives: darsie.vella

Its all in the DETAILS…Characters, Setting, Event and Math

Parents, I wanted to let you know of some things we have been mastering for Language Arts. Currently, we are working on  mastering key details, and identifying the characters, setting, and events in a story. Many of your students are struggling … Continue reading

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Halloween/Parties Permission Slip

The 1st Grade Halloween Party will be Wednesday, October 31 at 11:30am.  Please complete the online permission form:  Halloween PERMISSION FORMWe will be holding three holiday parties this year; Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s. We are requesting a $3.00 donation for each party to … Continue reading

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Teacher Ease

You should have received an invitation from TeacherEase. This is Quest’s new grading program for students K-5th. We encourage you to follow the steps to activate your TeacherEase account.

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Homework for October 22nd-26th

1- Math Homework: A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder tomorrow (Monday).  Please have your student review it as the students still need some extra work on it.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter … Continue reading

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Book Fair and Morning with Mom

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Science and Art Club Information

The following students have made it into our first grade Mad Scientist Art Club! Please pay your $5 to the office by Tuesday, Oct 23. If it is not paid by then, your spot will be given to somebody else.MaxDysonRyleeSerenityKatelynnAshlynEmbryKilynnHaydenThank … Continue reading

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No Homework For October 15th-19th

No Homework for the Week of October 15th due to the Short Week.  Feel free to enjoy some books together, practice doubles facts and have a wonderful break!

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As a school, we are well on our way to surpassing our goal of 10,000 cans/items for the canned food drive. Because we have already passed the 5,000 can mark, students earned karaoke during their lunch on Monday and Tuesday of … Continue reading

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OOPS Moon Journal Paper

I will be sending home their moon journal (paper) this Friday. I’ll put it in your student’s homework  green homework folder. PLEASE START RECORDING THIS FRIDAY. This 3 week project will give your student the opportunity to observe and record … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1– FRIDAY:     Homework due*Bring 5 or more food cans for Dress Down Day  (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).2- Please look for BOX TOPS on the items you use every day, then … Continue reading

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