Author Archives: darsie.vella

Library and Coding classes

Mrs. Anderson would like to meet with our first grade class Monday mornings at 8:30 to share some stories and see how everyone is doing. I think she may even already have some stories in the google classroom This class … Continue reading

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Covid-19 Time capsule

Dear Parents, I love it when parents run across fun activities and are willing to share them.  Nicole Shelman, Lillian’s mom, shared this Covid-19 time capsule activity with me, and thought there may be others that would like it too. … Continue reading

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Daily work for Tuesday, April 7th

 ****9:00 am: Live Meeting Check in and Attendance Taken  ( see email for class code) Please remind your student to be muted and not chatting during instruction. ***11:00am  Mystery Science Live Science with Doug at 11am: Smith reading “The Belly … Continue reading

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Daily Work for Monday, April 6th

Good morning and welcome back! I hope you had a great Spring Break!  Remember to complete each learning activity listed.(Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites) 1. Library time every Monday at 8:30am and Coding Lab every Wednesday at noon will … Continue reading

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Happy Belated Birthday Lynndon

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Liam Brown’s amaizng Art Project

WOW I love your stained glass windows!!  Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you love them as much as I do.     

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Spring Break…Next Week and Heads Up

Howdy Folks! LOL I hope you are enjoying the last few days of Spring Break. I know I am! Here are just a few reminders about next weeks scheduleEVERY Monday LIBRARY with Mrs. Anderson starts at 8:30. You need to … Continue reading

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Interesting facts for helping kids cope from the CDC

Dear Parents, I have put together some links from the CDC that you and your kids may find interesting and helpful. I found the information and activities helpful so I’m passing them on to you. There are other links you … Continue reading

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Learning Packets and Additional Materials Pick-up Friday, March 27th

Quest Families,As school will remain in dismissal until May 1st (as of now), teachers have prepared additional materials that can be picked up this Friday. Pick up times are listed below. Please notice there are three different options, each lasting 2 … Continue reading

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Camden, Pigs and Chickens and Turkeys OH MY!

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