Author Archives: darsie.vella

At Home STEM Resources

Here are some STEM resources for your student.  These are optional:

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School Work for Thursday March 19th

Good morning and welcome back! Hoping you had a good day yesterday! Remember to complete each learning activity listed. (Click on the blue words to access the videos or websites) 8:30 am: Morning  meeting, instruction and attendance You will be able … Continue reading

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A Heads Up on What to Expect

Dear Parents,Thank you for your understanding and patience as we’re all scrambling to make the best of this situation.  We hope our classroom learning the next few days is flexible enough and will work for each family’s situation. Here is … Continue reading

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School Work for Wednesday, March 18th

 Where’s Waldo WednesdayGood morning class!  I’m going to miss being with you today (sniff!), but glad we can connect through online learning!  Please complete each learning activity in the order listed. Ok, let’s get started!(Click on the blue words to … Continue reading

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Library Day Tomorrow

Library day is tomorrow. Please have your student come prepared to turn in their library book.

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Electronic Device With WebCam Required For School Dismissal

Hello Parents,By now you have heard Governor Herbert’s and our State Superintendent’s requirement for all schools to teach online for the next two weeks.  Your student will need access to the internet and an electronic device with a web cam.  … Continue reading

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Otional Practice for March 16th-20th

**Please let me stress that this is optional practice for your student, not required.  We do ask for students to read 20+ minutes every day to develop their love for reading, increase fluency, vocabulary, and spelling .  Although we have optional … Continue reading

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Optional Practice for March 16th-20th

**Please let me stress that this is optional practice for your student, not required.  We do ask for students to read 20+ minutes every day to develop their love for reading, increase fluency, vocabulary, and spelling .  Although we have optional … Continue reading

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Optional: Leprachaun Traps Due Monday March 16th

Here are some ideas of some traps you could make: 

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Yearbooks Now On Sale

Yearbooks on sale now! Only online orders accepted. Elementary Books- $17Jr High Books- $20Yearbook orders due by Friday, March 27.Click here to pay: Yearbook Online Orders

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