Category Archives: Class News

Weekly Reminders

1-  Check your child’s blue folder nightly.2– FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:00pmFundraiser Orders DUE *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).3- Optional review Math: The “Family Letter ” will continue to be sent home on Mondays. It will … Continue reading

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Classwork-TEST Helps for Using Doubles and near Doubles (+1) to Add

Here are the classwork worksheets we worked on today just in case they didn’t make it home LOL or you want to print them off to do again with your kiddo.

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We’re Going to the Zoo: Fieldtrip Information

Our annual first grade Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here so mark your calendars and save the date… TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th.  Here are a few things to know before we go:1-  We appreciate those who have already made their field … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1- All homework is due tomorrow. Please make sure your student has their MY FAMILY math homework in the FRONT of their homework folder and that their August Reading Calender’s are completed with your student’s reading minutes and your signature. … Continue reading

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Housekeeping Odds and Ends

I am still missing some forms for the students below. If you see your student’s name below, please click on the corresponding link to complete that form. Class Disclosure: Class DisclosureMailey KarsonKanenEbenTatumLynndonYearly Permission Form: Yearly Permission Slip Liam B.Lexi LynndonGetting … Continue reading

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Getting To Know Your Child

To help us get to know your child, please complete this online questionnaire.  Your responses are secure and private.  Click here: Getting to Know your Child FormThroughout the year if we need to contact you directly we will use the contact … Continue reading

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Welcome to Mrs. Vella’s All Star 1st Grade Class

I am so very excited to welcome my new 2019-2020 students to first grade! We are going to have a fantastic year learning and growing together!   In preparation for the upcoming school year, please Subscribe to our class Blog by … Continue reading

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First Day Gitters…

It was so much fun getting to meet all of you and your kiddo Friday at Back to School Night. I wanted to go over a couple items in order to make things run as smoothly tomorrow morning. If you were … Continue reading

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It’s That Time-Back to School Openhouse

I am so excited to meet you at…Back to School Night TonightFriday, August 165:30-7:30pm

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Last Week Information and Reminders

Dear Parents, Here are a few important end of the year reminders: MONDAY, MAY 27   Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL   TUESDAY, MAY 28 – Early Out 1:30pm   Ogden Nature Center visits 1st Grade   LAST day to bring your backpackWEDNESDAY, MAY 29- Early Out 1:30pm  … Continue reading

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