Category Archives: Class News

Quest Annual Food Drive

Show your Quest pride by donating canned foods, travel or full-size hygiene items, toothbrushes, and floss for the food bank NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 1ST. Last year our 1st grade class donated tons of  items. Let’s see what our 1st graders can do … Continue reading

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Breakfast at Quest

From Administration: Quest Families,We are excited to start serving breakfast on Monday at 7:45am in the Q1 gym! Please click here (please let us know if the link doesn’t work) to watch a video regarding procedures that should be followed for dropping students … Continue reading

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Hogle Zoo’s Behavior Guidelines

Below you will find a link to the form Hogle Zoo has for students and Chaperones. Please look over it with your student before tomorrow. Field trip behavior

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Zoo Essentials

Our Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th.  Here are a few things to know before we go:1-  We are still accepting field trips donations at the Q1 office, suggested donation $18.00 for school year.  We greatly appreciate anything that you can … Continue reading

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Hogle Zoo Updates and Reminders…

WE are counting down the days until we can go to the zoo and hope you are too!…LOL!!  TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th is the day so if you haven’t marked your calendar yet, PLEASE do so.  Here are a few things … Continue reading

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Movie Under the Stars

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Weekly Reminders

1– Check your child’s green folder nightly.2– FRIDAY:     Homework due *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)3-  Movie Under the Stars, Friday at 8pm on the Q1 field4– Hogle Zoo field trip Tuesday, September 185- Please remind … Continue reading

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Quests Sack Lunches for School Field Trip

**I am SO Sorry. I thought I had updated the Google Form to include the option for school sack lunches.**Lunch:There are school sack lunches available for field trips. School sack lunches contain an Uncrustable sandwich, applesauce or apple, carrots and shelf-stable chocolate or … Continue reading

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Fun with STEM and Science

Our Stem Challenge this month is to construct either a square, circle, or triangle out of regular copy paper, then see which shape can hold the most books when they are placed on top of that shape. If you want … Continue reading

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House Keeping: Up Coming Events and Reminders

1-  Check your child’s green homework folder nightly.2– FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm    Homework due3-  Cookie Dough fundraiser orders DUE Monday, September 10. 4- Scholastic Book Order.  September Book order due Friday, September 28th. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2: Scholastic Book Club5- Library: Our class … Continue reading

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