Category Archives: Class News

IMPORTANT: Hogle Zoo Information Form

We have received confirmation that our Hogle Zoo Field Trip will be Tuesday, September 18th. Lunch:There are school sack lunches available for field trips. School sack lunches contain an Uncrustable sandwich, applesauce or apple, carrots and shelf-stable chocolate or white milk. Orders MUST be submitted by … Continue reading

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Quest Fundraiser: Help Us Raise Money For Our School

You can help us earn money for our school AND turn our principals into ice cream sundaes! Only a few more days left to sell cookie dough and beef jerky. Orders are due Monday, September 10th. We need your help to reach … Continue reading

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Important: Back to School Information and To Do List

I am still missing some Permission Forms, and Class Disclosures etc from a few students.  It is so important that I have a copy of these on record, and that you AND your student have read, and understand the ins … Continue reading

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Breakfast at Quest 2 ? Survey

Dear ParentsWe are in communication with the State to determine the feasibility of serving breakfast at Quest. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch would also qualify for free/reduced breakfast. The estimated cost for all other students is $1.50 (this is … Continue reading

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Free Quest Back to School Bash

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Fabulous Friday News

This is just a reminder that this Friday is a short day and $1.00 dress down day. The elementary will begin at 8:30am and end at 1:30pm. Below are the guidelines for dress down Fridays: On dress down days, students are … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1-  Check your child’s green folder nightly.2– FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm   Homework due$1.00 Dress Down Day (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms). 3– Scholastic Book Order.  August Book order due: Friday, August 31. Click here … Continue reading

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Quest Academy Fundraiser

We are selling Cookie Dough & Beef Jerky to help fund awesome things for our awesome students! Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, field day, field trips, library books, and more. Here are some things … Continue reading

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Cooking Club

Quest will be starting a Cooking Club for 1st – 9th grade students. Kristen Hales, our lunchroom manager will be teaching these classes. Please fill out this link if you would like your student to participate. Students will be selected on a first come first … Continue reading

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August 27th-31st Weeky News

Today your student practiced logging into their computers, learned about a URL (an electronic address), found the Quest homepage and then logged out and shut down their computer. It was a VERY time intensive process but they did so well!!To … Continue reading

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