Category Archives: Class News

STEM Challenge Supplies Needed

We are doing a S.T.E.M Challenge this month for which we need some cardboard tubes, so please consider dropping them into your child’s backpack to donate to our class by Wednesday, February 21 .  Thank you!!  🙂

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Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

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Baggie Books and Student Reading Levels

Parents, Just a little update as far as passing on to a new level/color in the READING FOR ALL LEARNERS (Baggie Books) Please DO NOT sign your student off if they CAN NOT READ THE ENTIRE BOOK FLUENTLY and with … Continue reading

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February 14th Valentines Day Updates

I will be providing ALL the kids with a sack they will decorate in class, AND which they will be putting their valentines in, SO NO NEED TO STRESS OVER MAKING A BOX ETC.  It’s something that they really like … Continue reading

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First Grade Mad Sciene/Art Club

We still have THREE open spots in club!  These three spots will be filled first come, first serve (and paid for) on Monday, Feb. 2.Club will meet from 3:00-3:45 on the following Tuesdays: February 6th, February 13th, February 27th, March … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Ups

It’s that time of the year. We are so excited to meet with you and your student(s) to show off all the great things they have accomplished so far, as well as set some goals for the rest of the … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1- FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm   Homework due$1.00 Dress Down Day (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).2- Please keep all toys at home (i.e. stuffed animals, toy cars, Pokemon cards, game/phone watches, coloring … Continue reading

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IMPORTANT!!! First Grade Science/Art Club Sign-Up Information

IMPORTANT!! Second session for our first grade Mad Scientist & Art Club information below…The 2nd session of our first grade Mad Scientist/Art Club is about to begin!  Club will meet from 3:00-3:45 on the following Tuesdays: February 6th, February 13th, February 27th, March 6th, … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Hugo!

Happy Birthday Hugo!!                         

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Library day Tommorrow

Please make sure your student has their library book tomorrow.Students will not be allowed to check out a book if they still have one checked out.If you can’t find a book that is over due, please make arrangements to pay … Continue reading

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