Category Archives: Class News

Weekly Reminders

1- FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm   Homework due   FREE dress down   Winter Party 11:40-1:002- Parent Survey available to share with us your feedback to help us better your child’s experience here at school every day. Parent Survey3- We are still looking for a few more people … Continue reading

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Our North Pole Village.

Here is our North Pole Village. It turned out to be SSSSSOOOO Cute!!! Parents THANKS SO MUCH for helping your student with this Social Studies/Language Arts Project. I can’t wait to share the kids individual pictures, with their part of … Continue reading

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First Grade Christmas Party

Our Annual First Grade Christmas Party will be held on Friday, December 15th from 11:40-1:05. There will be two, 40 minute rotations. Our class AND Mrs. Hills & Mrs. Teichert’s class have the treat, game and movie this time. We … Continue reading

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PJ’s and FRIDAY Dollar Dress Down Day!!!!

Parents as you know this FRIDAY , December 8th is a DOLLAR DRESS DOWN DAY in SUPPORT of our ANGEL TREE. We have the ok from administration to have ours be a DOLLAR DRESS DOWN Pj day. In the past, … Continue reading

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North Pole Village Examples

Here are a couple WONDERFUL examples of what to do for your student’s North Pole Project thanks to Ashlyn and Emily.If there is anyway you can wait until Friday to have your student bring in their project, Please Do. We … Continue reading

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Nutcracker Ballet Field Trip

We really had a great time today watching the Nutcracker Ballet at the Perry Egyptian Theater in Ogden. The kids really enjoyed it, even the couple that said “It’s LONG!” LOL AND the couple that took a little cat nap…Oh … Continue reading

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YEAH!!! Meet Snowflake our Elf on a Shelf

We got a special delivery today from Miss Stephanie who works in the Q1 office.  It was our Elf on the Shelf. Our Elf was due to arrive last Friday, however due to poor weather conditions, was delayed until today. … Continue reading

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Library Day Tomorrow

Tuesday is our library day. The kids really look forward to this weekly adventure and are sad when they can’t check out a new book because they have 1.) Forgotten to return a previously checked out book, OR 2.) Have … Continue reading

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American Hero Volunteer Opportunity

This year we will be learning about many of our great American Heroes.  We would like to invite those interested to come dressed as one of the characters and share their story with our students. Presenters will visit each 1st … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Lucas!

Happy Birthday Lucas!

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