Category Archives: Class News


  PARENTS,    PLEASE HAVE YOUR STUDENT ON TIME TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY!! I had 5 children late which really set things back instruction wise this morning! Being on time sets the tone for the day. IMPORTANT MORNING/DAILY ROUTINES MATTER for … Continue reading

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Parent Volunteers

Here’s a shout out to all the amazing volunteers I have had so far this year. Your help in the classroom and on our field trip to the zoo was/is VERY  much appreciatedI can always use more help with centers … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Alli!

Happy Birthday Alli!

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Library Day Tomorrow

Your student’s should have a new little book mark, with some important library reminders, in their backpacks. Just FYI …Mrs. Anderson said that our class has been doing so well in the library. Please let your student know that tomorrow … Continue reading

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Picture Retakes

If your student missed picture day at the beginning of the year, please plan on having their picture taken tomorrow for our yearbook and name badge. You may also purchase a school picture package. Students need to wear their QUEST … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1-  Check your child’s green folder nightly.2– FRIDAY:    ALL Math and Spelling  Homework due    $1.00 dress down day3-  Record Reading minutes every Sunday for the week. 4- We are collecting Box Tops, feel free to send them in a plastic bag labeled with student … Continue reading

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Ice Cream Party

YEA!!!! Our ice cream party/social, for making our cookie sales goal, is set for Monday, October 2nd from 1:30-2:30.Just a quick review of some items per the Yearly permission slip which ALL of you have signed.…*Students in our classroom will … Continue reading

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Up Coming Changes and Fun Projects!

Last week in Language Arts, we talked a lot about different kinds of pets. We talked about what it means when a pet is popular, as well as what we need to do to care for our pets. Pets, like … Continue reading

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Final Cookie Sales

YEAH!!!! WE DID IT!!We met our goal of 150 items sold for the Quest Cookie Fundraiser… We will be having an ice cream party which is SO very exciting. I want to personally thank all those who so graciously supported … Continue reading

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