Category Archives: Class News

Parent Teacher Conference This Thursday

Below is a list of the times I have available for December Conferences. If you would like to schedule a time to talk about your student’s progress, click on the link below:Conference Sign Up

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Doubles Facts Song

It’s the doubles, baby, here we go, here we go! It’s the doubles, baby, and we start with zero: 0 + 0 = 0 Oh! 1 + 1 =2 Ooooooh! 2 + 2 = 4 More! 3 + 3 = … Continue reading

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December Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

Below is a list of the times I have available for December Conferences. If you would like to schedule a time to talk about your student’s progress, click on the link below:Conference Sign Up

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Important Information and Reminders

1- Please check your student’s green folder nightly.2- FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:00pm   Homework due   Spelling test  *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)3- Moon journal DUE, Friday December 9th., moonset, and moon phases4- Scholastic Book Order DUE … Continue reading

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Students What Are You Thankful For Assignment?

Part of our first grade Tech Standards are that students will get on our class blog and make comments to posts. I thought this would be a perfect time for the students to work on this requirement which will be ongoing … Continue reading

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Help Fill Our Quest Class Raffle Basket: Baking with Kids

Introducing Our Quest Class Raffle Basket: Baking with Kids!!!Your donations are essential to make our classroom basket a success.  Donations need to be collected now until November 29th. This is such a fun project that the whole family can get … Continue reading

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Marshmallow Mansion STEM Project

I just wanted to let you know this month we will be doing our STEM project which involves building a tower with toothpicks and marshmallows. You have all signed the yearly permission slip which allows your child to eat sugary … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1- Please check your student’s green folder nightly.2- PLEASE make sure you send your student with their backpack, homework folder, and “Baggie Books” EVERYDAY!!…    I am not replacing any “Baggie Books” if there is NOT a signature on the reading log. … Continue reading

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Holiday Basket Winner…

The votes have been counted and the winning theme for our classroom basket is:Baking with KidsYour donations are needed to make our classroom basket a success.  Donations will be collected beginning now until November 29th. Here are a few ideas … Continue reading

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Yes we “CAN”

Wow!  Thank you so much for the amazing canned food donations!  Although our grade did not win the free dress-down day, our class brought in some cans of food for local food banks!  If every student brought in 6 cans of canned … Continue reading

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