Category Archives: Homework Posts

Math Homework October 5th-9th

We will continue to explore Place Value this week. Has you student talked to you about the grouping song? It’s AWESOME!!!! Please check your student’s homework folder for work completed daily in  class.Have your student explain what they did checking … Continue reading

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High Frequency Words October 5th-9th

Words to Study for this week October 5th-9thInothavethisbywereReview wordsfromhadWeekly SentenceI have a dog.

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Pizza Hut Book It Read Your Heart Out Reading Log Homework

Dear Parents, You should have received a (red and white) Book It Flyer a couple days ago announcing the “Book It” program we are using for the rest of the school year. Thanks to Mrs. Nelson we can now PRINT OFF … Continue reading

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Book It

*****Something New***I am sending a note/flyer about the book it program because :…..Our class is participating in the “Book It! Read your heart out” program.  Our goal is for each student to read 80 minutes each week.  Once a month awards … Continue reading

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High Frequency Weekly Words

Spelling sentenceHe is at the zoo. This weeks High Frequency Spelling words are:behisatorfromhadReview words are:theywithSPELLING SENTENCE  5 POINTS POSSIBLE ON TEST (1 point for each correctly spelled word,  1 point for beginning the sentence with an uppercase letter, and 1 point for the … Continue reading

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Math Homework

Homework this week is due on Friday, October 2:Homework for the week Sept. 28th – Oct. 2ndWe will be testing on Monday for Addition Concepts covered in Chapter 1 I am SO EXCITED to be learning about place value.WE will  be … Continue reading

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Math Homework September 21st-25th

Chapter 1 Vocabulary: Please review the following terms with your student as well as the Vocabulary Cards that go with each term. They have some awesome examples that your student should become VERY familiar with.add, part, addend, whole, addition number … Continue reading

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Letters and Language Arts Skills for September 14th -18th

Monday September 14th Letters and Concepts:Review Letters Name and Sounds: /Aa/ /Bb/ /Pp/ /Tt/ as well as Rhyming WordsTuesday September 15th Letter and concept.Letter Ss…Word chant to help remember how to write it…Silly Snake Slithers to the left and then … Continue reading

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Spelling and Weekly High Frequency Words for September 14th -18th

We have a lot of work to do this week and next. If you haven’t already printed out the High Frequency words this will be the week to do it! I will be  testing on these words this Friday: 1)the  … Continue reading

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Homework for September 14th-18th

Math homework:Chapter 1 Vocabulary: Please review the following terms with your student as well as the Vocabulary Cards that go with each term. They have some awesome examples that your student should become VERY familiar with.add, part, whole, addition number … Continue reading

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