Category Archives: Homework Posts

Homework for February 5th-9th

There are 5 Components to Homework this week. 1. My Math Homework Worksheets: Chapter 5 Lessons 12-14    2. Math Timings: Left Overs3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day4. Timed Fluency Passages   5. Spelling/Vocabulary WordsAll Homework is Due Friday, February 9th. Reading Homework … Continue reading

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Homework for January 29th-February 2nd

There are 5 Components to Homework this week. 1. My Math Homework Worksheets: Chapter 5 Lessons 8-11    2. Math Timings: Nines Pattern3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day4. NEW Timed Fluency Passages   5. Spelling/Vocabulary WordsAll Homework is Due Friday, February 2nd. Reading … Continue reading

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Homework for January 23rd -26th

There are 5 Components to Homework this week. 1. My Math Homework Worksheets: Chapter 5 Lessons 4-7     2. Math Timings: No Timings- Work on Math Stories   3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day4. NEW Timed Fluency Passages   5. Spelling/Vocabulary WordsAll Homework is Due … Continue reading

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Homework for January 16th-19th

There are 5 Components to Homework this week. 1. My Math Homework Worksheets: Chapter 5 Lessons 1-32. Timed Math Fluency          3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day4. NEW Timed Fluency Passages   5. Spelling/Vocabulary WordsAll Homework is Due Friday, January 19th. Reading Homework  … Continue reading

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Homework for January 8th-12th

There are 5 Components to Homework this week. 1. My Math Homework Worksheets: Chapter 4 REVIEW2. Timed Math Fluency          3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day4. NEW Timed Fluency Passages    5. Spelling/Vocabulary WordsEND OF THE QUARTER IS THIS FRIDAY. ALL HOMEWORK IS … Continue reading

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Weekly Reminders

1- FRIDAY:     Homework: Record Reading Minutes *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)2- Please keep all toys at home (i.e. stuffed animals, toy cars, Pokemon cards, game/phone watches, coloring books, etc.). 3- American Hero Presenters needed … Continue reading

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Homework for January 3rd-5th

There is only 1 component for homework this week.Don’t forget to record your students reading minutes. I will be checking minutes read for Wednesday January 3rd- 7th on Monday, January 8th. I Love to read!3. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or … Continue reading

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Homework for December 11th-15th

Parents please make sure your student has their backpack, homework folder and Baggie Book EVERYDAY!!! There are 4 Components to Homework this week. 1. My Math Homework Worksheets: Chapter 4 Subtraction Strategies to 20 Lessons 7-82. Timed Math Fluency          … Continue reading

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EASIER!!! Teach Make a Ten to Subtract

I HOPE THIS HELPS!! Parents I have a couple examples of how I teach the kids to MAKE A TEN TO SUBTRACT (SEE BELOW)We have just done the first step today and will continue with step 2 tomorrow. With that … Continue reading

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Homework for December 4th-8th

Parents please make sure your student has their backpack, homework folder and Baggie Book EVERYDAY!!! There are 6 Components to Homework this week. 1. My Math Homework Worksheets: Chapter 4 Subtraction Strategies to 20 Lessons 4-62. Timed Math Fluency          … Continue reading

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