Classwork-TEST Helps for Using Doubles and near Doubles (+1) to Add

Here are the classwork worksheets we worked on today just in case they didn’t make it home LOL or you want to print them off to do again with your kiddo.
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We’re Going to the Zoo: Fieldtrip Information

Image result for free zoo clip art

Our annual first grade Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here so mark your calendars and save the date… TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th Here are a few things to know before we go:

1-  We appreciate those who have already made their field trip donation.  If you haven’t, please pay your $18.00 donation to the Q1 office to help cover the costs and transportation of our scheduled field trips this year.  We greatly appreciate anything that you can donate for our field trips.  Thank you for your generosity!  

2- Wear school uniforms with RED shirt, sunscreen and good walking shoes! Please dress for the weather it changes quickly this time of year.  

3- Bring a cold sack lunch from home in a disposable bag with your child’s name.  Everything must be completely disposable. If your child is eating school lunch, please make sure you fill out the form that I emailed you so we know who to plan lunches for.

Hogle Zoo Lunch and Chaperone Form:

Be on time. Arrive at school by 8:30am.  Bus departs at 8:45am.  We will leave the zoo around 1:00-1:15pm, returning to Quest sometime around 2:002:30pm.

5- Parent chaperones: Please bring a backpack or bag to carry the lunches of the students in your group.  And a lunch for yourself.  Please arrive and meet in our room at 8:15am to go over last minute instructions and get a copy of the Zoo Groups.  If you are bringing siblings, it is necessary for you to drive your own vehicle.  Please be prepared to pay for yourself and any extra children you bring.  For those driving, plan on meeting us at the zoo at 9:30-9:45am.  The zoo address is 2600 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake, UT, 84108

  • Parent Volunteers: We are ALWAYS looking for more volunteers so don’t be shy. You may join your child’s group to help with the group management.


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Happy BIrthday Eben

Image result for fun free birthday clip art
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Weekly Reminders

1- All homework is due tomorrow.
Please make sure your student has their MY FAMILY math homework in the FRONT of their homework folder and that their September Reading Calender’s are completed for the week. There were a couple students who were missed last Friday but now have the current September calendar in their Green Homework folder. Please make sure that you record your students daily/weekly minutes.

2-Please check your student’s folder nightly and take out any daily classwork, notes etc. They came home with a ton of work that we have been working on this week but many forgot to take home in their folders. 

3- FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:00
*Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants).

4-Screen Shot 2019-08-21 at 1.38.20 PMScholastic book orders are due Monday, September 30th. Our class code is JBTR2

5- Schools building schoolsEnjoy these fun videos by Dr. Dave and Ms. Angelee: Quest Annual Fundraiser and How Many Items to Sell?

Quest Families,We are excited to kick off our POQA fundraiser! Your child has been given a booklet with information about the items for sale; journals, notebooks, sketchbooks, and wall art prints that have been designed by global artists. There is also an insert that has Quest specific items designed with our own Rams Head Spirit Logo. This fundraiser not only earns money to fund our school activities, but it helps to build schools worldwide. So far five schools have been funded in Ghana, Laos, Guatemala and Mali because of fundraisers just like this one. Art can change the world!

As an incentive each and every item sold will qualify for your child to come claim a prize. These will be given out by POQA only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week the fundraiser is running. This fundraiser will run until September 13, when all forms and money will need to be turned in. Visit our school Facebook page to view a short video with our own Ms. Angelee and Dr. Dave for information from the kick off assembly. We also encourage you to visit the companies website at to read the story behind the company, and the amazing things they are doing to support artists and build schools.

We thank you all for your amazing support,

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Weekly Reminders

Related image
1- All homework is due tomorrow.
Please make sure your student has their MY FAMILY math homework in the FRONT of their homework folder and that their August Reading Calender’s are completed with your student’s reading minutes and your signature.
Please check your student’s folder nightly and take out any daily classwork, notes etc. They came home with a ton of work that we have been working on this week but many forgot to take home in their folders. 

2- FRIDAY Early Out AND Dollar Dress Down Day. Your student may bring  $1 to school if they choose to participate in the dress down day otherwise they are feel to wear their school uniform with their quest spirit shirt.

3-August scholastic book orders are due tomorrow. Our class code is JBTR2

4- This would be a great week to start our Quest School Fundraiser off with a bang! I would love our class to be the best 1st grade class. Our class goal would be $2300if each student sells $100. It’s easy, fast and fun. what better way to support our kids while teaching to think of others less fortunate.
Here’s  a link with great
Fundraising Info-
How many items to sell-
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Homework for August 26th-30th

We had a great week last week. This week is going to be a very busy crazy week. Besides homework, we are also looking forward to starting STEM with Ms. Cookie and Ms. Carrie, library with Mrs. Anderson and going to the keyboarding/CODE lab with Mrs. Fischer.

Homework starts this week. There will be 2 components, one MATH and REEADING.

1- Math Homework: Lesson 1 Count on to Add.
A letter titled “Dear Family”  was sent home in the front of your child’s green homework-folder today.  Please review the current concept/standard with your student and then have them do the planned activity.
Many of the lessons are designed to encourage conversations centered around math and how it applies to life. There are activities and math problems that will also allow you to see what we are going to be working on in class. Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together throughout the week.

2-Reading Homework:
Please continue to read with your student. The goal is to read 100 minutes per week with your student. Please make sure you record your student’s minutes each time they read. I will be collecting the August calendars this Friday and replacing them with a calendar for September so please make sure your student’s reading calendars are current.

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Library Day and Book Orders

181468Our library day this year is Tuesday from 12:00-12:30. We will begin going to the library next week however, it will be several weeks before students will have the opportunity to check out books. Please mark you calendars accordingly. Also Mrs. Anderson wanted me to remind you of the following policy…see below

***If books become lost or damaged, the student will have the option to replace the book or pay the replacement cost of the book to the office.  If a book is found after the student has already paid for the book, there will be no refunds issued.  They will then have the option to “donate” the book back to the library, or they can keep the book.

Screen Shot 2019-08-21 at 1.38.20 PMI sent home several scholastic book orders today in your student’s homework folder. I generally submit book orders once at the end of each month. With that being said you can go in anytime during the month, then select and pay for your student’s books. I have found it SO MUCH easier to do one big order than several small orders especially when there have been problems. I will submit August’s order in next Friday, August 30th.
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Housekeeping Odds and Ends

I am still missing some forms for the students below. If you see your student’s name below, please click on the corresponding link to complete that form.

Class Disclosure: Class Disclosure

Yearly Permission Form: Yearly Permission Slip
Liam B.

Getting to know your Student: Getting to Know your Child Form

Pizza Count Permission for the Year to have Pizza every Friday: I have a paper form for this one so if you can email me or send me a message on Class Dojo I’ll add your student to the OK list ….LOL
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Getting To Know Your Child

back to school clip art free #43To help us get to know your child, please complete this online questionnaire.  Your responses are secure and private.  
Click here: Getting to Know your Child Form

Throughout the year if we need to contact you directly we will use the contact information you provided in Aspire. Please make sure it remains up-to-date. Thank you!  Click here to check your contact information: Aspire Gradebook
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Welcome to Mrs. Vella’s All Star 1st Grade Class

Image result for welcome to school 1st grade
  • I am so very excited to welcome my new 2019-2020 students to first grade! We are going to have a fantastic year learning and growing together!  
  • In preparation for the upcoming school year, please Subscribe to our class Blog by entering your email and clicking “Subscribe” (found on the right sidebar). Once you enter your email, you will be sent a confirmation email.  You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription.  Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time we post new information on our blog. This is where you will receive important updates and information concerning all things QUEST.
  • In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class Disclosure and  Class Supplies  as well as e-signing the Yearly Permission Slip.    All cash donations can be paid to the Q1 Office on or before Back to School Night, or you can pay online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing what the donation is for such as: Vella Supplies, or Vella Parties, or Vella Field Trips.
  • Please click on the following link for my current list of supplies: class supplies. You will find a list of supplies that students will be using throughout the year. Feel free to choose OPTION 1 or OPTION 2. If you opt for option 2,  PLEASE make sure you are purchasing the specific items on the list and PLEASE DO NOT write your students name on anything. Please bring the items or pay the office on or before back to school night Friday, August 16th. I would love to have all items organized and ready to go by the first day of school.

  • I like to keep things as simple as possible, for this reason I have created the following  yearly permission form for class parties, field trips, learning activities etc. Please review and sign the permission slip. In order for your child to participate in all the fun educational school/classroom activities we have planned throughout this school year I need your permission otherwise they will not be allowed to participate. ****Students in my classroom will also have the opportunity to participate extra classroom activities by completing required tasks.****: Yearly PERMISSION Form

  • I apologize for not adding this important bit of information to my original post but I also need all parents to sing the yearly permission form. I

  • Please continue to read to your child and have them read to you during the summer!  The more he/she reads, the better prepared they will be for the upcoming school year :)
  • I am SO looking forward to meeting with all of you at Back to School Night 5:30-7:30pm on Friday, August 16Our first week of school is August 19-23.  These will all be short days excusing at 1pm.  Have a wonderful summer break! See you soon!
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