First Day Gitters…

Related imageIt was so much fun getting to meet all of you and your kiddo Friday at Back to School Night. I wanted to go over a couple items in order to make things run as smoothly tomorrow morning. 
  • If you were not able to attend BTSN Friday, please review the following: Back to School Night Power Point
  • Please remember to send your student with their backpack and a bottle of water with their name on it. It will be kept in their cubby.
  • You may walk your student down to the classroom tomorrow. I ask that you please make your departure as quick as possible so we can begin our first 1st grade day. LOL
  • Please fill out the following if you haven’t done so yet.
  • Please click on the link below to e-sign my Class Disclosure  Please read it carefully.

    Class  Disclosure
  • Please click on the link to go to the Yearly Permission Form: Yearly Permission Form In order for your student to participate in the “First Day Gitters” I have to have your permission for them to partake of food etc which is included in the permission form. If I do’t have it before the beginning of school your student may miss the chance to partake.

  • To help us get to know your child, please complete this online questionnaire.  Your responses are secure and private.  
    Click here: Getting to Know your Child Form
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It’s That Time-Back to School Openhouse
I am so excited to meet you at

Back to School Night Tonight
Friday, August 16
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Last Week Information and Reminders

Image result for free end of year school clip art
Dear Parents,
 Here are a few important end of the year reminders:

 Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL
TUESDAY, MAY 28 – Early Out 1:30pm
   Ogden Nature Center visits 1st Grade
   LAST day to bring your backpack

WEDNESDAY, MAY 29- Early Out 1:30pm
   Indoor FIELD DAY 
   NO backpacks
THURSDAY, MAY 30– Early Out 1:30pm
   Yearbook Signing   
   NO backpacks
   School lunch will be available.  Home lunch students- NO microwaves will be available.

BUT, I would also love  to send a HUGE shout out to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped make this year so successful! We are able to do so many fun things because of your generous donations of time and money.
I can’t believe that the last days are here…WOW am I ever going miss the funny, cute little things that have become our class norms. The little inside jokes from “Guess what I want for lunch” to the “I was on auto pilot” to all the “I love too’s.” You truly have wonderful, amazing children. I’m so glad I had the privileged of getting to know them, working with and learning with them.
I would love to continue working with them over the summer. Last summer I tutored several of my students and other members of their families. If this is something that may interest you, let me know. I know that there are many students with Lagoon season passes. It would be so much fun to see you and your families when I’m there with my family so please feel free to keep in touch with all your summer fun activities and shenanigans. I will do the same. Here’s to a wonderful last week and a great upcoming summer break!!
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Field Trip Reminders is the big day for our Hill Aerospace Museum field trip.  Here are a few reminders to help your student have a successful, enjoyable day:

1- RED uniform shirt and uniform pants. I would like to suggest a jacket too as the weather is so unpredictable and we will be eating outside.
2- Good shoes for walking
3- Labeled HOME lunch (unless you ordered school lunch), include plastic utensils, paper towel, etc.  
(NO microwaves will be available)
4- Arrive on time.  Buses will depart at 9:30am, expected return around 1:20pm.
5- Please have a good filling breakfast! We will be in a fun, engaging presentation 10-10:30am. This is usually lunch time for our students. They will be eating lunch AFTER the presentation. 
6- Leave student backpacks home. 

Parent Chaperones: Please bring a backpack or bag to carry the lunches of the students in your group.  And a lunch for yourself.  If you are driving, we expect to arrive at the museum shortly before 10am.
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Hill Aerospace Museum Field Trip Last Minute Details

Due to the high cost of bus transportation for our field trip on Friday May 24th, we are asking for a head count of who will be taking their child with them from the museum. We found that in previous years most parents have chosen to take their child at the end of the field trip, leaving us with a fairly empty bus going home which we still have to pay for.
Can you please let us know ASAP if you will be checking out and taking your child with you instead of them riding the bus back to the school? Please note that we will be arriving shortly before school is dismissed.

Our final field trip is Friday, May 24th from 9:30am-1:15pm to the Hill Aerospace Museum.  Please have your student wear their RED uniform shirt for this field trip. The weather has been very unpredictable so please plan and dress accordingly. Everyone will be eating outside on the picnic tables. No inside facilities are available.
They will need to bring a sack lunch from home as no school lunch will be available and it needs to be completely disposable- ONLY the following students will be provided a school lunch as pre-requested :  Jaden, Kilynn, Lexi, Sunnie, Lukas, Rylee, Vivyanna, Hayden, Max, Mia,  All students, other than the 10 listed previously, need to bring a sack lunch from home for the field trip.  We will be leaving the school promptly at 9:30am following the talent show assembly and returning to the school by 1:15pm.  We have our field trip groups arranged but you are happy to join your student’s group if you are not listed as a designated chaperone. 
***Please note the time for our class’ scheduled activity on the class roster. We are the first class and need to be on time to the classroom.

**Chaperones:  Please bring a backpack to carry your groups lunches in.  You are welcome to eat lunch with your group when the children want to.  There are picnic tables outside in front of the museum. We will have the students hold onto their lunches during the assembly and meet at the front picnic table area under the big bomber for a group photo and to gather your students lunches. 
Thank you so very much for being willing to chaperone a group of students!  We appreciate you!

See link for student groups and class activity schedules
Field Trip Groups 2018-2019
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Summer Reading Programs

To encourage reading throughout the summer check out these fun summer reading programs:

BN-Summer-Reading_736-x-310Barnes and Noble-
Summer Reading Program  

Fill out the reading journal, then bring your completed journal to a Barnes and Noble store to receive a FREE book.  Click here for more information and to print your own reading journal: Barnes and Noble Summer Reading

Screenshot 2019-05-13 19.49.31Weber County Libraries-
“Blast off with Books” Reading Program

Register today for the summer reading program.  You can also download a summer reading packet and find monthly events here: Weber County Summer Reading 

Screenshot 2019-05-13 20.00.05Davis County Libraries-

“A Universe of Stories”
Come join the summer fun! There’s something for everyone. For more information click here: Davis County Summer Reading

Screenshot 2019-05-13 19.53.22Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge-
Help our school log the most summer reading minutes, beginning NOW: Scholastic Summer Reading  (Click here for Student Scholastic logins)

usf_logoUtah State Fair Read & Win-
Read books and win a ticket to the Utah State Fair. Click here for details and to access the entry form: Utah State Fair Reading Program
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IMPORTANT: Hill Aero Space Museum Field Trip Information

Screen Shot 2019-05-15 at 4.28.01 AMDear Parents,
We are excited for our upcoming 1st Grade field trip to the Hill Aerospace Museum on Friday, May 24th. And our in-school field trip with Ogden Nature Center on Tuesday, May 28th.

We will head out from the school at approximately 9:30 and arrive at the Hill Aerospace Museum shortly after  that. We will be leaving the museum to come back to Quest at 1:00.

The kids have so much fun on this field trip. They participate in a “plane” scavenger hunt, make a paper helicopter, as well as eat a sack lunch with their teacher(s) and classmates. I can NEVER have too many volunteers so, if you would like to come have some fun with us, and/or need a few more volunteer hours, let me know so I can add you to my list. I am looking for at least 10 volunteers. I would like to have students put into groups by Monday May 20th so please let me know as soon as possible. I will post update this post as and list of volunteers as we get closer to the trip.
**I can have a few parents ride the bus with us, however all others need to meet us at the museum. Please let me know what your preference is. Bus spots will be filled on a fist come, first served basis.**

We truly appreciate all you do to support our first grade kids at Quest, and wanted you to know that it is through your generous donations that make our class field trips and parties possible. If you haven’t made a field trip donation, PLEASE do so now. Our bus fees for this field trip are over $700. If we don’t have enough field trip funds we will have to cancel the field trip.

****Quest is able to provide a sack lunch for students who wish to purchase one and avoid the hustle and bustle of making one on the day of the field trip. My lunch count will be turned Friday, May 17th.  If you would like to PURCHASE a school lunch, please click on the picture below indicating your student’s meal preferences of chocolate or white milk.

Image result for SACK LUNCH FREE CLIP art
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End of Year Assessments Starting

Image result for testing free clip artWOW!!! It’s hard to think about this year being over in just a few short weeks. It seems like we were just getting started and now it’s almost the end of the year. I will begin administering End of Year (EOY) DIBELS Tuesday and Wednesday. Next week, your student(s) will begin taking their End of Year  (EOY) i-Ready computer assessment for Language Arts on Monday and Math on Tuesday.

Please help your student(s) come to school prepared and ready to go by, getting a good night sleep and, eating a good breakfast. Having your student(s) to school on time will also help. It gives students a chance to play and  “Chill Out” with friends before taking their tests. We will be giving the kids a snack to help them gear up for testing success! Please remind your student to take their time and to just do their very best.
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Quest Carnival Volunteers you still need to get some volunteer hours in before the end of the year? The Carnival has you covered!  Come help with one of our many fun games. Easy online sign up allows you to choose the game and time that is best for you: Carnival Volunteer Signup

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Weekly Reminders
 FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm
   Homework due

In recognition of May 4th (May The Fourth Be With You), students will be allowed to wear Star Wars t-shirts tomorrow. Please ensure all other articles of clothing are uniform compliant.

 *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)

2- Do you still need to get some volunteer hours in before the end of the year? The Carnival has you covered!  Come help with one of our many fun games. Easy online sign up allows you to choose the game and time that is best for you: Carnival Volunteer Signup
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