IMPORTANT: Hogle Zoo Information Form

Image result for hogle Zoo clipartWe have received confirmation that our Hogle Zoo Field Trip will be Tuesday, September 18th. 

There are school sack lunches available for field trips. School sack lunches contain an Uncrustable sandwich, applesauce or apple, carrots and shelf-stable chocolate or white milk. Orders MUST be submitted by Tuesday, September 11th. If you would like to order a sack lunch for our Hogle Zoo field trip, please indicate on the field trip permission form.

Click here to complete the online permission form even if you already signed the yearly permission slip form:
Hogle Zoo Field Trip Form 

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Quest Fundraiser: Help Us Raise Money For Our School can help us earn money for our school AND turn our principals into ice cream sundaes! Only a few more days left to sell cookie dough and beef jerky. Orders are due Monday, September 10th. We need your help to reach our school goal.
School wide incentive
-If the school as a whole sells 4,500 items the principals will become ice cream sundaes!
PLEASE Remember  that the money raised helps to fund field trips, after school clubs, the end of year carnival bash as well as other other fun enriching school activities like… the ‘Back to School Bash. Let’s make the last 3 days a huge success for all the kids at Quest!!!

I wanted to remind you of all the incentives
-Students who sell 25 items will receive an unlimited 3 hour pass to the Rush Funplex!
-Students who sell 35 items will receive a personalized Quest Hoodie or Backpack
-Students who sell 40 items will receive a digital Rider Watch 
-Student who sells the most will receive 4 unlimited 3 hour passes to Rush Funplex.

Thank you for your support!
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Homework for September 4th-7th

1- Math Homework:  

  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder on Tuesday.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.
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*These are due on Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will be receive 4 Stardusts to go toward buying a prize from our classroom prize boxes.

3- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child identify key details (important parts in the story).
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Important: Back to School Information and To Do List

I am still missing some Permission Forms, and Class Disclosures etc from a few students.  It is so important that I have a copy of these on record, and that you AND your student have read, and understand the ins and outs of class and school rules etc. 

If you see your student’s name under any of the following items listed, PLEASE make every effort complete them and return the last page of the class disclosure tomorrow, Wednesday, September 5th. 

Please understand that if you have not signed the YEARLY permission  form, your student WILL NOT be able to go on any field trips or participate in any of our class parties etc.

Thanks so much for your continued help and support. Lets make this year the best at Quest!!!

Class Disclosure
Christian K
Christian S
Rylee W

Yearly Permission Form
Christian K
Christian S
Rylee W

Class Dojo
Christian S

Subscribe to Our Blog

If you were unable to attend Back to School night, please review our Back to School presentation for important information: Vella Back to School Copy

Forms to complete by the 1st day of school if possible:
2018-2019 Disclosure
Getting to Know your Child Form
 Subscribe to Class Dojo. The information was included with back to School Materials.
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Breakfast at Quest 2 ? Survey

Image result for school breakfast free clip artDear Parents
  • We are in communication with the State to determine the feasibility of serving breakfast at Quest. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch would also qualify for free/reduced breakfast.
  • The estimated cost for all other students is $1.50 (this is subject to change).
  • In order to determine interest in this endeavor, we are sending out a quick, two-question survey. We just need to know how often, if ever, your child would eat breakfast, and the number of children in your family we would serve. Please click here to answer these questions. Thanks.
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Free Quest Back to School Bash

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Fabulous Friday News is just a reminder that this Friday is a short day and $1.00 dress down day. The elementary will begin at 8:30am and end at 1:30pm. Below are the guidelines for dress down Fridays: 

On dress down days, students are still expected to dress in a manner that positively impacts the learning environment. Clothing must be modest, tasteful, and it must not compromise safety standards for our students. The following standards include:

  • Shorts and skirts need to be consistent with QA Uniform Policy
  • No tank tops
  • No baggy pants
  • No bare or stocking feet
  • No open toe or heeled shoes
  • No clothing which displays obscene, vulgar, lewd, or sexually explicit words, messages or pictures
  • No clothing that exposes bare midriffs, buttocks or undergarments
  • No clothing assumed as gang related
  • If questions arise, the school administration, as the Board of Directors’ designee, has the authority to determine if a student’s dress is in keeping with this policy.

Tomorrow is the last day to let us know if you want to exchange your gray quarter-zip pullover for a red one (elementary) or a blue one (jr. high). Please only fill out this form if you have NOT done so previously (click here). Thanks. 

Quest Administration
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Weekly Reminders

1-  Check your child’s green folder nightly.

– FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm
   Homework due
$1.00 Dress Down Day 
(Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).

– Scholastic Book Order.  August Book order due: Friday, August 31. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2Scholastic Book Club

Beginning next week, our class will have PE every Monday and Wednesday at 10:30am. Please send your child in appropriate shoes for PE activities every Monday and Wednesday. Thank you!
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Quest Academy Fundraiser are selling Cookie Dough & Beef Jerky to help fund awesome things for our awesome students! Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, field day, field trips, library books, and more. 

Here are some things to know:
The fundraiser sale begins NOW
Orders are due back by Sept 10
Make checks to POQA
Cookie dough orders will arrive SEPT 27 at the school

Thank you for your support!
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Cooking Club

Image result for cooking club free clip artQuest will be starting a Cooking Club for 1st – 9th grade students. Kristen Hales, our lunchroom manager will be teaching these classes. Please fill out this link if you would like your student to participate. Students will be selected on a first come first serve basis. We will be emailing you by Friday, August 31st to let you know if your student was selected. The cost for this club will be $15, which includes a fun club t-shirt. Do not pay the office until you receive an email stating your student is enrolled in the class. Classes will start the week of September 10th and run for six weeks from 3:15 – 4:15 pm.

My students have loved this club!

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