August 27th-31st Weeky News

Image result for school computer clip artToday your student practiced logging into their computers, learned about a URL (an electronic address), found the Quest homepage and then logged out and shut down their computer. It was a VERY time intensive process but they did so well!!

To help speed up the process of logging on, and feel more confident, please have your student practice typing their user name (first name.last name ie john.doe) on a computer at home. Their passwords are their initials followed by 2 numbers then rams (jd123rams). For many, just this simple task can be overwhelming and make them feel a little anxious. Please let them know that I am so proud of their efforts on the computer today and that all I expect is for them to do their best.

****They will be taking a couple placement tests on the computer this week. There will be questions that they will know, and many that don’t. This test will measure their growth over time which is so exciting! Please don’t stress…As students learn how to navigate their computer, and master more complex concepts their scores WILL improve. Please talk with them about the importance of choosing the best answer and not just rushing through the test choosing any random answer as this is a VERY IMPORTANT placement test.
Image result for scholastic book club clip artLast Friday I sent home a few scholastic book orders in your students green homework folder. If you haven’t taken the time to look through them PLEASE do so. They are filled with so many wonderful books at a great price. All book orders are due Friday August 31st AND can be  purchased  on line with our class code:  JBTR2

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Wednesday is picture day
Wear school UNIFORMS, no spirit shirts (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
Picture day flyers were sent home previously in student blue homework folders. 

One item you can purchase is our class picture.  This is item #13 for $10.00

You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questes2018
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)

See flyer for additional payment options.

Image result for pool clipartFriday, August 31st from 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. is POQA’s Back to School Bash and the Clearfield Aquatic Center located at 825 State Street. It’s a great way to spend a Friday night with your family.

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Homework for August 17th-31st

Homework this week is due on Friday, August 31:

1- Math Homework:  

  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder on Monday.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.
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*These are due on Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will earn 5 Startdusts.

2- Reading 20 minutes per day.  Please record your minutes on the reading log in your students GREEN homework folder.  Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.

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Picture Day

Image result for school picture day clipart
Picture Day is Wednesday, August 29th 
Wear school UNIFORMS, no spirit shirts (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
Picture day flyers were sent home previously in student blue homework folders. 

One item you can purchase is our class picture.  This is item #13 for $10.00

You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questes2018
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)

See flyer for additional payment options.
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Welcome First Grade Parents and Students

Hello Quest First Graders and Parents,
 It was SO MUCH FUN meeting everyone tonight. Here’s a brief recap on some the the important housekeeping duties that need to be completed on or  before next Friday, August 24th. Thanks again for taking time out of your busy life to come visit our classroom . I REALLY am so excited to learn and grow with your amazing kiddos!

In preparation for the upcoming school year, please complete the following 5 items.
1st.  Please subscribe to our blog by clicking on “Subscribe to our Blog” (found on the right sidebar). Our class blog is where you will find homework assignments as well as other important information pertaining to Quest and our classroom. It IS the Primary source for all classroom and Quest information.
2nd. Under the “Parent Information Iap” heading you will find our Class Disclosure. PLEASE read it carefully,  PRINT AND SIGN THE LAST PAGE, and RETURN it with your student anytime before FRIDAY AUGUST  24th.

3rd. Please click the following link below to e-sign the google Permission Form for our entire school year’s activities so that your child doesn’t miss out on any fun events:

4th. There are 2 options for classroom supplies donations this year.  You may pay the office $35 and I will purchase all school supplies, or purchase the items separately and bring to school on Back to School Night. Here is the link for the supply list: SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST

5th. Please sigh up for Class Dojo.

It’s also very important that your student have over the ear headphones and a backpack without wheels, and please only label your student’s headphones and backpack.  All other supplies will be general supplies in the classroom.

I am looking forward to seeing you at Back to School Night on Friday, August 17th!

Mrs. V
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First Day Photos

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Pizza Count

Image result for free pizza clipartJust a little reminder about PIZZA FRIDAY every week at Quest.

I need a few more parent Ok’s for their student to have pizza on Fridays for the year. I have to turn in the student count every Wednesday in order for the school to have enough for everyone.

I don’t have an ok for the following students:

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Water Bottles Weather + Recess = Thirsty First Graders!  🙂

Please send your child with a water bottle EACH DAY to keep in their cubbies (preferably one that doesn’t spill easily).   One drinking fountain with an entire class of students takes a lot of time and we want to make sure they are getting enough water.  Thanks so much! 
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Happy Birthday Morgan!

Happy  Birthday Morgan!
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Happy Birthday Addalee!

Happy Birthday Addalee!
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Happy Birthday Emmie !

Happy Birthday Emmie!
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