Hill Aerospace Museum Field Trip

a10_hill_aerospace_museum_croppedTomorrow is the big day for our Hill Aerospace Museum field trip.  Here are a few reminders to help your student have a successful, enjoyable day:

1- WHITE or BLUE uniform shirt and uniform pants. 
2- Good shoes for walking.
3- Labeled HOME lunch (unless you ordered school lunch), include plastic utensils, paper towel, etc.  
(NO microwaves will be available)
4- Arrive on time.  Buses will depart at 8:45am, expected return around 1:00pm.
5- Please have a good filling breakfast! We will be in a fun, engaging presentation 11-11:30am. This is usually lunch time for our students. They will be eating lunch AFTER the presentation. 
6- I still have 4 seats on the bus for anyone who doesn’t want to drive to the museum.

Parent Chaperones: Please bring a backpack or bag to carry the lunches of the students in your group.  And a lunch for yourself
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Patriotic Program-WEAR RED

Quest Academy first graders will be performing a Patriotic Concert on Tuesday, May 22nd  5:00-6:00pm in the Q2 gym. Please have your child in the gym by 4:45pm that evening, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We welcome any friends or family members to join us!  To show our gratitude and to honor the service of our veterans we encourage you to extend a special invitation to your veteran family members and friends.  


The first grade will be performing this same program Monday, May 21st, for students and faculty, please have your child wear a RED SHIRT to school.
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SINK OR FLOAT Science Experiment

  • http://qacblogs.org/ronda.hills/files/2017/05/Milk-and-Cookies.jpgOn May 23, 0ur class will be using the scientific method while participating in a science experiment to find out which cookie can float the longest. 
  • At the beginning of the year, I had requested that parents sign a google form allowing students the privilege of participation in class parties, and other learning activities that may involve the consumption of surgery foods. With that in mind I just wanted to let you all know that we will be conducting the above mentioned science experiment AKA  sink or float after which your child may choose to eat a cookie. They can choose between a chocolate marshmallow cookie, Oreo cookie, or oatmeal cookie. 
  • If your child has had any changes to their health that would make the above a health risk, I need to know by Friday, May 18th. I will consider everything ok and proceed as planned if I DO NOT HEAR FROM YOU AS  THEIR PARENT.
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Last Minute Field Trip Information for Friday, May 18th

  • I have 4 open spots for parents to ride on the bus. They will be filled on a first come first served basis. If you would like to ride on the bus please let me know ASAP. Please plan on being at the school by 8:25 if you are riding the bus and at Hill Aerospace Museum by 8:45 if you are just meeting us  there.
  • Chaperones I need you to bring a LARGE bag or backpack to put your groups SACK LUNCHES IN. Parents YOU are responsible for YOUR lunch. Quest will only provide lunches for students who have previously requested them. The following students will have lunch provided for them by Quests.
  • If you DO NOT see our students name…YOU MUST PROVIDE A  100% DISPOSABLE  SACK LUNCH FOR YOUR STUDENT for the field trip this Friday, May 18th!                                            
  • Kylie, Hugo, Lucas, Cham, Holden, Lia, Kanyan
  • Below is the most current list of parent volunteers for our field trip. If I have missed adding anyone to the list, I apologize in advance. Please let me know if you signed up but now have a conflict, so I can make those necessary adjustments. I will be assigning groups tonight based on the list below.
Rich Howard
Stephanie Adams
Nicole Westmoreland
Devin Zimmerman
Julie Le
Allister & Kristie Martinelli
Jen and Darren Smith
Stephen Ray
Melea Rogers

Shanel Mendoza
Omott Adhom
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 FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm
    ALL Library and Baggie books DUE
$1.00 Dress Down Day fundraiser for K9 Rescue- Mazzie (Student participation is optional. Students are welcome to wear a Quest Spirit shirt with uniform pants or traditional uniforms).

2 1st Grade field trip to the Hill Aerospace Museum on Friday, May 18th. Students need to wear their RED SHIRTS with uniform pants, skirts etc. The weather is a little unpredictable this time of year so, you may want to have your student wear a lightweight jacket or sweater on the field trip.  Students need to bring a 100% disposable lunch. FYI…We will be eating outside.

If your student usually eats school lunch, and you don’t want to hassle with preparing one the day of the field trip…
please go to the CLASS NEWS POST titled: Hill Airforce Aerospace Museum Field Trip Updates there is a link to a google form to sign up for it. ALL ORDERS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED BY FRIDAY, MAY 11TH. NO ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN AFTER FRIDAY.

3- School Carnival and Food Truck Event Friday, May 18. Click here to order tickets: POQA Online Store 

4- K-2 Talent Show Friday, May 25 at 8:45am. 
 There are limited spots per grade level, so sign up quickly. Click hereTalent Show Signup

5- Stock up on great books for summer
 from Scholastic Books. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2Scholastic Book Club

6- BELL PHOTOGRAPHY: Please return money for and/or any Spring Pictures you DO NOT WANT tomorrow.

Upcoming (mark your calendars):

May 18: Field trip to Hill Aerospace Museum
May 18: School Carnival and Food Truck Event
May 21: 1st Grade Program for school at 9am (student wear RED uniform shirt with uniform pants)
May 22: 1st Grade Patriotic Program for parents at 5pm (student wear RED uniform shirt with uniform pants)
May 24: Early Out
May 25: Last day of school (early out)
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End of Year Talent Show

http://qacblogs.org/ronda.hills/files/2018/05/download.pngOn the last day of school, May 25, elementary students will be having a talent show in the Q1 gym. Kindergarten through 2nd Grade will perform at 8:45am and 3rd Grade through 5th Grade will perform at 9:45am. There are limited spots per grade level, so sign up quickly. Students will be selected on a first come, first served basis. An email will be sent out if your child has been selected to participate in the talent show. Click here: Talent Show Signup
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Spring Pictures

http://qacblogs.org/ronda.hills/files/2016/04/Bell-Logo.pngLook for your child’s spring pictures from Bell Photographers in their blue folders today. If you choose to purchase you can pay with cash, check, or online here:: Bell Photography  Please promptly return any pictures you choose not to purchase.
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Friday Dress Down Day For First Grade Service Learning Project: K-9 Rescue

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Uniform Exchange

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reading clip artThursday will be the last day I  will send baggie books home this year. Please make sure you send your student’s baggie book to school with them on Friday, May 11th. Mrs. Sharp and I will then take an inventory of all the books making sure they are returned.  I will add students names to the following list when they are cleared. As per the class disclosure, students who return damaged or DO NOT return their baggie books will be assessed a fine. Students who owe fees on either class or library bookS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN FINAL WEEK ACTIVITIES UNTIL FEES ARE PAID or BOOKS ARE RETURNED.

  • I have received  Baggie Books from the students listed below. If you  DO NOT see your student’s name, you need to pay the office $35 NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MAY 18 TH…so new books can be ordered and ready for next year. These book must be ordered in sets.


Image result for free school library clip art
  • If you DO NOT see your student’s name below, they  HAVE NOT returned their library book(s). Please make every effort to return your student’s book or pay the associated fee to replace it NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MAY 18TH if you want your student to to participate in the SUPER FUN FINAL LAST DAYS activities.


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