Homework for January 8th-12th

There are 5 Components to Homework this week.
1. My Math Homework Worksheets: Chapter 4 REVIEW
2. Timed Math Fluency         
3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day
4. NEW Timed Fluency Passages   
5. Spelling/Vocabulary Words

  • I WILL NOT accept LATE homework next week as Grades will be in for this term.
Reading Homework  will be checked on Monday, January 15th.
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1. Math Homework:
Monday Lesson : Chapter 4 Review
Tuesday Lesson : Chapter 4 Review
Wednesday Lesson :
Chapter 4 Review
Thursday Lesson : Chapter 4 Review

  • 1. Worksheets: Please look in the front of your child’s  green folder on Monday for worksheets with concepts that will be taught in class.  The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math.  Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! :) Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers. Please check your child’s answers for accuracy.

  • 2. Fluency Timings: This week, we are working on “Adding Near Doubles ”.
    With your timing in the plastic sheet protector (included in your GREEN folder), use a dry-erase marker to practice MONDAY-THURSDAY. On THURSDAY, have a parent time you while you complete all 20 problems with pencil (write directly on the paper this time). Work on 1 timing each day, Monday-Thursday. On Thursday, record your time and score on the paper, THEN attach it to your student’s homework at the end of the week. [The target goal is to finish all 20 problems in 1 minute, with 90% accuracy (18 out of 20 problems correct).]

    • Use your doubles and add 1 (if you use the lowest addend for doubles) or subtract 1 (if you use the highest addend for doubles).

       Example: For 5 + 6, Think 5 + 5 = 10, plus 1 More… 11.   Or Think 6 + 6 = 12, minus 1 More… 11.

reading clip art
I Love to read!
3. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week.

***Reading comprehension strategy: Help your child read a story and think of a title for it.
Then ask your child to RETELL the STORY IN THEIR OWN WORDS. The DETAILS need to be IN ORDER  from the story.UNDERSTANDING what you are reading is just as important as how fast you read (FLUENCY)!!!

PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding.  THIS  HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR  LANGUAGE ARTS WORK ON AND DIBELS  TEST COMPREHENSION.

Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

Reading Fluency Passages:
Please read over the Martin Luther King Jr. fluency passage several times with your student. POINT OUT THE WORDS YOUR STUDENT KNOWS and then GO OVER THE ONES THAT ARE TRICKY. 

Have them sound out words that follow “Regular Rules.” Time them for ONE, 1 minute timing each day to see how far they can read on their own.
Their accuracy/fluency should increase each time they read the sentences.

***Write down how long you timed them (ie 1minute) circle the last word they read, then record the number of words read correctly next to the minutes timed ON THE BACK OF THE PASSAGE. 
***You may count the timings toward your student’s required weekly reading minutes.***

spelling writing-clip-art
5. Spelling/Phonics and High Frequency Words  This week’s phonic sounds are long and long u, as in lone and cute.



**Please take a few minutes to review what your student writes as well as how. I am VERY picky about where letters are placed, and how they are formed. There should always be a space between words.
***Your student should NEVER BEGIN ANY LETTER FROM THE BOTTOM!!!! ***NO BOTTOM DWELLERS!!! It’s so important that students form good writing habits now. Bad habits are VERY hard to break!
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Weekly Reminders

Image result for free winter clip art
   Homework: Record Reading Minutes
 *Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)

2- Please keep all toys at home
 (i.e. stuffed animals, toy cars, Pokemon cards, game/phone watches, coloring books, etc.). 

3- American Hero Presenters needed for Martin Luther King Jr. on January 12 and Thomas Jefferson on February 2. If you are interested, please click on this link:  American Hero Sign-up Form
 We are attempting to identify Michael Thalman, who signed up for Abraham Lincoln. We are so grateful for your help but need to get a packet of information to you. Please let us know how to get a hold of you so we can pass along this important information.

4-I have MANY students without head phones or with nonworking headphones. P
lease make every effort to make sure your student has WORKING headphones for school. It is VERY difficult for students to work without, or next to students who don’t have one.

5-Scholastic Book Orders: Due Wednesday, January 31st.

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Special Visitor Coming to Our Class


Mission K-9 Rescue First Grade Service Project

Mazzie, a war dog who was abandoned in Kuwait after his service, will visit our classroom this Friday, January 5th at 10:10 amParents are welcome to join us for this special presentation. 

We will learn about the sacrifices many dogs are making to protect the lives of our soldiers.  Unfortunately, these dogs can be left behind after their work is done. Mission K-9 Rescue is striving to 
Rescue, Reunite, Re-Home, Rehabilitate and Repair any retired working dog that has served mankind in some capacity.

This year for one of 1st Grade service learning projects we will be collecting coins to donate to Mission K-9 Rescue. 

As a First Grade we have been learning that everyone can serve and help others through stories such as “The Lion and the Mouse”. Though our children may be young, they too can make an important difference and our small contributions of a coin here and a few coins there will truly add up to something great.

We are also learning about financial literacy principles; for example, we are learning about the principle of saving and we are learning that, to earn money, one must work.  We are encouraging our students to do extra jobs at home for family or friends to earn coins to add to our Mission K-9 Rescue fund.
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Homework for January 3rd-5th

  • There is only 1 component for homework this week.
  • Don’t forget to record your students reading minutes. I will be checking minutes read for Wednesday January 3rd- 7th on Monday, January 8th.
I Love to read!
3. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week.

  • Reading comprehension strategy: Help your child read a story and think of a title for it. Then ask your child to tell you THREE to FOUR  DETAILS IN ORDER they learned from the story. UNDERSTANDING what you are reading is just as important as how fast you read (FLUENCY)!!!

  • PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding.  THIS  HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR  LANGUAGE ARTS WORK ON AND DIBELS  TEST COMPREHENSION.

Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

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Happy Birthday Lia!

Happy Birthday Lia!
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Our North Pole Village

We proudly introduce the creators of our North Pole Village:

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Dear Parents,
I can always use help in the classroom. If you have time and would like to volunteer to help with our Christmas party, please feel free to come in and help. The kids get back from lunch at 11:25 with the party beginning shortly after that around 11:40.

I would like to honer those who have volunteered in any way so far this year SO, if you have volunteered please let send me a little reminder of the when and what for…. so I don’t miss anyone!
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Weekly Reminders

Image result for free christmas clip art
 FRIDAY:  Early Out 1:30pm
   Homework due
   FREE dress down
   Winter Party 11:40-1:00

Parent Survey available to share with us your feedback to help us better your child’s experience here at school every day. Parent Survey

We are still looking for a few more people to be an American Hero presenter for the 1st grade classes. If you are interested, please click on this link:  American Hero Sign-up Form 

If you signed up to volunteer for our Winter Party on Friday, we are looking forward to having your extra hands to help.  We will begin at 11:40 and go until 1:00.  Thank you so much for being willing to help! 

5- Happy Holidays! We look forward to your return on Wednesday, January 3rd.
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Our North Pole Village.

20171211_105230 Here is our North Pole Village. It turned out to be SSSSSOOOO Cute!!! Parents THANKS SO MUCH for helping your student with this Social Studies/Language Arts Project. I can’t wait to share the kids individual pictures, with their part of our village.

  REMEMBER that this project is ONE of the ESSENTIAL PARTS of what will eventually become our FIRST GRADE BOOK, “Christmas Stories and Wishes.”

If your student DID NOT make this project, they WILL NOT HAVE THEIR PICTURE in our book with a house.
If  your student brought home their project today, it’s because I took their picture. Those students who haven’t had their picture taken will bring theirs home tomorrow.

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First Grade Christmas Party

Related image
Our Annual First Grade Christmas Party will be held on Friday, December 15th from 11:40-1:05.

There will be two, 40 minute rotations.

Our class AND Mrs. Hills & Mrs. Teichert’s class have the treat, game and movie this time. We will be doing the same activities in both rooms but, you will just be helping in our room. We have the treats…doughnut snowman and reindeer taken care of. This is something the kids made last year. It was super fun for the kids and worked out well!! We DO have a couple activities we COULD  have the kids do but, ARE VERY open to any and all ideas for activities…SO if you have any ideas just let me know.

Please clink on the link below if you have time and are will to help with all the fun!

Parent Sign-Up
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