Homework for October 2nd-6th

Image result for free homework clip art
Parents please make sure your student has their backpack, homework folder and Baggie Book EVERYDAY!!!

There are 5 Components to Homework this week.
1. My Math Homework Worksheets Subtraction Lessons 6-8
2. Timed Math Fluency         
3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day
4. Timed Fluency Passages   
5. Spelling/Vocabulary Words

All Math, Spelling and Science Homework is Due Friday, October 6th
ading Homework  will be checked on Monday, October 9th
Image result for free math homework clip art
1. Math Homework:
Monday Lesson 6: Problem Solving: Draw a Diagram
Tuesday Lesson 7: Compare Groups
Wednesday Lesson 8: Subtract from 4 and 5
Thursday Lesson : Review Subtraction Strategies from lessons 6-8

  • Worksheets: Please look in the front of your child’s  green folder on Monday for worksheets with concepts that will be taught in class.  The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math.  Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! :) Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers. Please check your child’s answers for accuracy.

  • 2. Fluency Timings: This week, we are working on “Count on 1, 2, or 3”.  With your timing in the plastic sheet protector (included in your GREEN folder), use a dry-erase marker to practice MONDAY-THURSDAY. On THURSDAY, have a parent time you while you complete all 20 problems with pencil (write directly on the paper this time). Work on 1 timing each day, Monday-Thursday. Record your time and score on the paper, THEN attach it to your student’s homework at the end of the week. [The target goal is to finish all 20 problems in 1 minute, with 90% accuracy (18 out of 20 problems correct).]

    •  Helpful Hint:  Here’s how we’re learning to “count on” in class:  Don’t COUNT  bigger number, don’t count the ALL,  JUST say the bigger number and count on the small…They totally loved this. 

       (Example: 2 + 5.  Snap your finger (or clap) and say “5” then count on 2 more: say 5 (with a snap)…6…7)

      (Example: 3 + 5.  Snap your finger (or clap) and say “5” then count on 3 more: say 5 (with a snap)…6…7…8)

reading clip art
I Love to read!
3. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week:
RECORD YOUR READING ON YOUR  “BOOK IT”  READING LOG located in your green folder.

***There are SEVERAL SOURCES for reading: 

***CHECK OUT THIS SITE FOR BOOK ON LINE READ BY FAMOUS PEOPLE It’s fantastic!!! http://www.storylineonline.net/

Don’t forget about reading comprehension! Understanding what you are reading is just as important as being a fluent reader!!! PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding.  THIS  HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR  LANGUAGE ARTS WORK ON W AND DIBELS  TEST COMPREHENSION.

Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

4. Reading Fluency Passages:
Please read over each sentence several times with your student so they become familiar with the words. Have them practice sounding out words that follow “Regular Rules” and then stop and think about the words that are “Red or Rule Breakers.” Time them for ONE, one-two minute timing to see how far they can read on their own. Their accuracy/fluency should increase each time.
Write done how long you timed them (ie 1.3 minutes) then circle the last work they read each night.  Encourage them to read further each night when timing. I am only requiring ONE, one-two minute timing/night for now. AS they become more comfortable, confident, successful readers, I will have you time them up to the three times/night with the idea that they will eventually be able to completely read each passage in one minute.
***You may count the timings toward your student’s required weekly reading minutes.***

spelling writing-clip-art
5. Spelling/Phonics and High Frequency Words
Last week we worked on words with the  /o/ middle sound, which we will be reviewing this week, as well as
beginning consonant blends 

Help your child identify the two beginning sounds that blend together in each spelling word.
This week’s phonic sounds are beginning r- and s-blends, as in the words stop, grin, and drip. Help your child think of other words that begin with the same sounds and write them on the back of their spelling paper.




Please take a few minutes to review what your student has written as well as how. I am starting to get VERY picky about where the letters go,  and how they are formed AND that there is a space between words.
Your student should NEVER BEGIN ANY LETTER FROM THE BOTTOM!!!! ***NO BOTTOM DWELLERS!!! It’s so important that students form good writing habits now. Bad habits are VERY hard to break!

Image result for free science clipart
6. I Love Science!

New!! This week will continue to study rocks, soil and water. We will continue to work on our pet rocks and explore what ,,,is in (makes up) different types of soil.

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Weekly Reminders

Reminder clip art to download clipartcow1-  Check your child’s green folder nightly.

  ALL Math and Spelling  Homework due
    $1.00 dress down day

Record Reading minutes every Sunday for the week.

4- We are collecting Box Tops, feel free to send them in a plastic bag labeled with student name and grade.

5- Scholastic Book Order.  Due Friday, September 29th Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2Scholastic Book Club

6-Please send an old button down shirt for your student to use as a paint shirt.

7- Ice cream party Monday, October  2nd. We will be watching a rated G movie while we eat our ice cream. If you have any questions or concerns about the items being served OR the movie please fell free to send me an email or message on Class Dojo.

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Ice Cream Party

  • YEA!!!! Our ice cream party/social, for making our cookie sales goal, is set for Monday, October 2nd from 1:30-2:30.
  • Just a quick review of some items per the Yearly permission slip which ALL of you have signed.…*Students in our classroom will also have the opportunity to participate extra classroom activities by completing required tasks (aka. cookie sales)……Scheduled events and dates may be subject to change. 
  • AGAIN, they are NOT limited too, but will include the following…. WE will be showing a rated G movie while students consume the following treats at the ice cream party/social: 
  • Vanilla Ice Cream
    Hershey Chocolate Sryup
    Hershey Caramel Sryup
    Mini Marshmallows
    Chocolate Chips
    Whipped Cream
    **By e-signing this form (ALL of you have signed this form), I agree to allow my student to participate in the activities listed above, consume food including but not limited to sugary treats and drinks. 
If you have any questions or concerns, PLEASE let me know by Friday, September 29th.
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Homework for September 25th-29th

Parents please make sure your student has their backpack, homework folder and Baggie Book EVERYDAY!!!

There are 6 Components to Homework this week.

1. My Math Homework Worksheets Subtraction Lessons 3-5
2. Timed Math Fluency         
3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day
4. Timed Fluency Passages   
5. Spelling/Vocabulary Words
6. Pet Rock

All Math, Spelling and Science Homework is Due Friday, September 29thnd.
ading Homework  will be checked on Monday, October 2nd
Image result for free math homework clip art
1. Math Homework:
Monday Lesson 3: Subtraction Sentences
Tuesday Lesson 4: Subtract 0 and All
Wednesday Lesson 5: Vertical Subtraction
Thursday Lesson : Review Subtraction Strategies from lessons 3-5

  • Worksheets: Please look in the front of your child’s  green folder on Monday for worksheets with concepts that will be taught in class.  The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math.  Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! :) Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers. Please check your child’s answers for accuracy.

  • 2. NEW Math Fluency Timings:  Fluency Timings:  This week, we are working on “Subtract Zero and All”.  Emphasize this strategy: “When you subtract zero, you have the same number left.  When you subtract all, you have zero left”.  With your timing in the plastic sheet protector (included in your green folder), use a dry-erase marker to practice. When you’re ready, have a parent time you while you complete all 20 problems with pencil (write directly on the paper this time). Work on 1 timing each day, Monday-Wednesday. On Thursday, record your time and score on the paper and turn in with ALL  homework at the end of the week. [The target goal is to finish all 20 problems in 1 minute, with 90% accuracy (18 out of 20 problems correct).]

reading clip art
I Love to read!
3. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week:
RECORD YOUR READING ON YOUR  “BOOK IT”  READING LOG located in your green folder.

***There are SEVERAL SOURCES for reading: 

***CHECK OUT THIS SITE FOR BOOK ON LINE READ BY FAMOUS PEOPLE It’s fantastic!!! http://www.storylineonline.net/

Don’t forget about reading comprehension! Understanding what you are reading is just as important as being a fluent reader!!! PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding.  THIS  HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR  LANGUAGE ARTS WORK ON FRONT ROW AND DIBELS  TEST COMPREHENSION.

Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

4. Reading Fluency Passages:
Please read over each sentence several times with your student so they become familiar with the words. Have them practice sounding out words that follow “Regular Rules” and then stop and think about the words that are “Red or Rule Breakers.” Time them for ONE, one-two minute timing to see how far they can read on their own. Their accuracy/fluency should increase each time.
Write done how long you timed them (ie 1.3 minutes) then circle the last work they read each night.  Encourage them to read further each night when timing. I am only requiring ONE, one-two minute timing/night for now. AS they become more comfortable, confident, successful readers, I will have you time them up to the three times/night with the idea that they will eventually be able to completely read each passage in one minute.
***You may count the timings toward your student’s required weekly reading minutes.***

spelling writing-clip-art
5. Spelling/Phonics and High Frequency Words
Last week we worked on words with the  /l/ blend. This week we will be reviewing words with the /l/ blend and learning about words with the short /o/ sounds in the middle of words.

On a separate piece of paper, help your child sort words into the word families, ie hop, top, shop, log, hog, bog, etc. Put words in columns with the same vowel/ending sounds, then help your child add more words to each column.



Please take a few minutes to review what your student has written as well as how. I am starting to get VERY picky about where the letters go,  and how they are formed AND that there is a space between words. Your student should NEVER BEGIN ANY LETTER FROM THE BOTTOM!!!! ***NO BOTTOM DWELLERS!!! It’s so important that students form good writing habits now. Bad habits are VERY hard to break!

Image result for free science clipart
6. I Love Science!

New!! This week will begin to study rocks, soil and water. Please send in a rock, that fits in your students hand, in a Ziplock labeled with your students name, as well as an OLD button down shirt to use when painting by Thursday, September 28th.

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Up Coming Changes and Fun Projects!

Last week in Language Arts, we talked a lot about different kinds of pets. We talked about what it means when a pet is popular, as well as what we need to do to care for our pets. Pets, like people, need to be groomed, feed and played with.
Have your kiddo tell you about Tinka’s adventures in  “Cool Dog, School Dog,” as well as what Cliff and his pet pig Slim did in ” A Pig For Cliff.”

We also finished up our science unit on the Sun, Earth, and moon last week, and will begin to investigate our natural world including rocks, soil and water. I would like to kick off our next unit in science by linking pets and rocks. I thought it might be fun for the kiddos to make a pet rock.
Please have your student bring in a small rock, they can hold in their hand, in a ziplock LABELED with their name. I am also requesting that students have paint shirts this year in an effort to TRY lol to protect their clothes. It can be any old button down shirt that you no longer wear with your student’s name on the collar. I am asking that both the rock and shirt be brought in by Thursday, September 28th.

With the emphasis on standards, and the fact that there are so many short weeks in the next few months,
I am opting to change the LA schedule a little for the rest of the year. I will no longer be testing exclusively on Fridays and will only give spot spelling tests. However, this does not mean that students will not be held accountable for the correct writing and spelling of each weeks spelling and High Frequency words.

I am going to be testing students on their ability to READ ALL the High Frequency words covered in each quarter, so please break out the ringed  High Frequency words I handed out at Back to School Night. If you haven’t already been working on them with your student, I highly recommend that you start NOW! The end of the term is Thursday, October  18th. I will be testing students on ALL HF words (aka High Frequency words) that week.
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Final Cookie Sales

Celebrate celebration clip art free clipart images
  • YEAH!!!! WE DID IT!!
  • We met our goal of 150 items sold for the Quest Cookie Fundraiser… We will be having an ice cream party which is SO very exciting.
  • I want to personally thank all those who so graciously supported our school’s fundraiser. Because of your generous  support, our kids and school will benefit.
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Quest Fundraiser Updated Total

Orders are due MONDAY, September 18th. Thank you for your participation in this fundraiser. Help us reach our class goal to sell 150 items by Monday. Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, sports, field day, field trips, library books, and more.
Currently we have sold 103 items. WE are so close so please check the totals below to make sure I have everything correct…
Hugo 14
Kylie 15
Kayson 15
Kayson 5
Holden 15
Holden 2
Emmie 9
Jocelyn 12
Lucas 11
Kanyan 4
Jocelyn 1

Kayson 15
Kylie 3
Lia 9

Please click on the link below to report your totals thus far:
Quest Cookie Fundraiser Sales

Here are some things to know:

Orders are due back by Sept 18
Make checks to POQA
Cookie dough orders will arrive Oct 6 at the school

Online sales also count and they are an easy way to invite family and friends to place orders.

Please click on the link below to report your totals thus far:
Quest Cookie Fundraiser Sales
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Homework for September 18th-22nd

There are 6 Components to Homework this week.
1. My Math Homework Worksheets Addition #13 Subtraction  1-2 . 
2. NEW Timed Math Fluency         
3. Reading 20-3o minutes/day
4. Timed Fluency Passages   
5. Spelling/Vocabulary Words
6. Moon Journal (Due Friday September 22nd)

All Math, Spelling and Science Homework is Due Friday, September 22nd.
ading Homework  will be checked on Monday, September 25th
Image result for free math homework clip art
1. Math Homework:
Monday Lesson 13: True and False Statements
Tuesday Lesson : Addition Concepts Chapter Review and Test (Please review addition facts with your student)
Wednesday Lesson 1: Subtraction Stories
Thursday Lesson 2: Model Subtraction

  • Worksheets: Please look in the front of your child’s  green folder on Monday for worksheets with concepts that will be taught in class.  The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math.  Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! :) Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers. Please check your child’s answers for accuracy.

  • 2. NEW Math Fluency Timings:  This week, we are working on “Add Zero”.  Place your timing in the plastic sheet protector (included in your green folder), use a dry-erase marker to practice a one 1 minute timing each day, Monday-Wednesday.  On Thursday  have a parent time you while you complete all 20 problems with pencil (write directly on the paper this time), Record your time and score on the paper and turn it in with your homework packet at the end of the week. [The target goal is to finish all 20 problems in 1 minute, with 90% accuracy (18 out of 20 problems correct).]

reading clip art
I Love to read!
3. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week:
RECORD YOUR READING ON YOUR  “BOOK IT”  READING LOG located in your green folder.

***There are SEVERAL SOURCES for reading: 
and the “Baggy Books” which went home with most of my students Friday. If your student didn’t bring home a book, look for one on Monday. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SEND YOUR STUDENT’S “BAGGIE BOOK” TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY.

***CHECK OUT THIS SITE FOR BOOK ON LINE READ BY FAMOUS PEOPLE It’s fantastic!!! http://www.storylineonline.net/

Don’t forget about reading comprehension! Understanding what you are reading is just as important as being a fluent reader!!! PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding.  THIS  HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR  LANGUAGE ARTS WORK ON FRONT ROW AND DIBELS  TEST COMPREHENSION.

Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

4. Reading Fluency Passages:
Please read over each sentence several times with your student so they become familiar with the words. Have them practice sounding out words that follow “Regular Rules” and then stop and think about the words that are “Red or Rule Breakers.” Time them for ONE, one-two minute timing to see how far they can read on their own. Their accuracy/fluency should increase each time.
Write done how long you timed them (ie 1.3 minutes) then circle the last work they read each night.  Encourage them to read further each night when timing. I am only requiring ONE, one-two minute timing/night for now. AS they become more comfortable, confident, successful readers, I will have you time them up to the three times/night with the idea that they will eventually be able to completely read each passage in one minute.
***You may count the timings toward your student’s required weekly reading minutes.***

spelling writing-clip-art
5. Spelling/Phonics and High Frequency Words
Last week we worked on words with the short /i/ sound. This week we will be reviewing the short /i/ and short /a/ sounds as well learning about beginning consonant l-blends such as black, clap, flag, play, and slip.
On the back of your child’s spelling paper, help your child sort words with the l-blend by writing words in a column with the same blend, then help your child add more words to each column.

Parents, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure your student is writing each word correctly on the back of their spelling paper, and that all writing is nice, neat as well as organized.

Our spelling test will be Friday, September 22nd.


Please take a few minutes to review what your student has written as well as how. I am VERY picky about where the letters go,  and how they are formed and that there is a space between words. Your student should NEVER BEGIN ANY LETTER FROM THE BOTTOM!!!! ***NO BOTTOM DWELLERS!!! It’s so important that students form good writing
habits now. Bad habits are VERY hard to break!

Image result for free science clipart
6. I Love Science!
Your student should have their “Moon Journal”  in their green homework folder. Please help your student with this SUPER COOL science project, by reminding them to view, then record the changes/phases of the moon through September 19th. I also have a link to the moon rise, set and phases on the bottom right hand and side of my blog. It says 2016 but there is a place to change the date once you get on the site. HAPPY MOON GAZING!
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Sorry Folks Retry…ENTER “Corrected” Cookie Sales Link

I am SSSSOOOO sorrry for all the confusion with the link and reporting student total sales … Mrs Hills graciously shared the google form she created to keep track of class cookies sales, and there has definitely been a “Hick-up” to say the least with the link to the form. I HOPE it is fixed once and for all. Please click on the link below to report your totals thus far: 

Quest Cookie Fundraiser Sales
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Cookie Sales Link

Parents ,
Thanks for letting me know that there was a problem with the link to report your student’s cookie sales. The problem has been fixed, so when you get a minute today please go in and record your student’s sales thus far. Thanks so much for all your help. I can’t wait to see where we are…I sure hope our class takes first place and that our school has a SUPER SUCCESSFUL fundraiser outcome. THE REAL WINNERS WILL BE ALL THE STUDENTS HERE AT QUEST!!!
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