  • Parents please send your student with a completely disposable SACK lunch LABELED with your student’s name.
  • Please have your student wear their RED Quest Uniform Shirt and uniform pants, skirt, shorts etc.
  • Please make sure your student has sunscreen applied BEFORE school. Burns are NOT fun!
  • You must stay with your group at all times and may eat whenever your students get hungry.
  • ALL Chaperones, please be here no later than 8:20 to get your student groups list, lunches, and any last minutes information.
  • Buses will leave promptly at 8:45 for the zoo. Please plan on being to the zoo by 9:30 if you are driving. Please look for our class ASAP so you can get with your group and into the zoo without paying. ANY LATE ARRIVALS, WILL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PAY ZOO ENTRANCE FEES.
  • Please meet back at the buses with your group promptly at 1:00. We need to  be leaving for the school NO LATER THAN 1:15.
  •  Parents who are driving, and wish to check out their students, made do so ONLY AFTER MEETING me at the buses, and AFTER you have signed my exit form.
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Homework and Homework Folders

  • If you DO NOT see homework in your student’s GREEN HOMEWORK FOLDER MONDAY NIGHT, chances are that they either didn’t turn in their GREEN HOMEWORK folder, or perhaps have taken it out(?). 
  • Mrs. Sharp and I try VERY hard to make sure ALL students get their homework, and important notes, however that being said,  sometimes a student gets missed.
  • Please let me know as soon as you notice it’s missing (ie Monday night…LOL) and I will try to make sure they get it the next day so they don’t get behind…
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Homework for September 11th-15th

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Parents, I CAN NOT stress enough the importance of having your student do ALL their homework. I have seen students who, for one reason or another, struggle with  a subject or concept make HUGE gains academically over those who may not have had such a hard time, but WERE NOT consistent with their homework. Please make every effort to work with your student to complete ALL assignments.

There are 5 Components to Homework this week.
1. My Math Worksheets 11-12 and Fluency Practice (select 10 problems/page)
2. Reading
3. Timed Fluency Passages
4. Spelling/Vocabulary Words
5. Moon Journal (Due Friday September 22nd)

All Math and Spelling Homework is Due Friday, September 15th.
ading Homework  will be checked on Monday, September 18th
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1. Math Homework:
Monday Lesson 11: Ways to make 10
Tuesday Lesson : Review Addition Fluency Practice (Choose Any 10 Horizontal Math Sentences Front)
Wednesday Lesson : Review Addition Fluency Practice (Choose Any 10 Vertical Math Sentences Back)
Thursday Lesson 12: Find Missing Parts of 10

  • Worksheets: Please look in the front of your child’s  green folder on Monday for worksheets with concepts that will be taught in class.  The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math.  Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! :) Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers. Please check your child’s answers for accuracy!

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I Love to read!
2. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week:
RECORD YOUR READING ON YOUR  “BOOK IT”  READING LOG located in your green folder.

***There are SEVERAL SOURCES for reading: 
and the “Baggy Books” which went home with most of my students Friday. If your student didn’t bring home a book, look for one on Monday. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SEND YOUR STUDENT’S “BAGGIE BOOK” TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY.

***CHECK OUT THIS SITE FOR BOOK ON LINE READ BY FAMOUS PEOPLE It’s fantastic!!! http://www.storylineonline.net/

Don’t forget about reading comprehension! Understanding what you are reading is just as important as being a fluent reader!!! PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding.  THIS  HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR  LANGUAGE ARTS WORK ON FRONT ROW AND DIBELS  TEST COMPREHENSION.

Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

3. Reading Fluency Passages:
Please read over each sentence several times with your student so they become familiar with the words. Have them practice sounding out words that follow “Regular Rules” and then stop and think about the words that are “Red or Rule Breakers.” Time them for ONE, one-two minute timing to see how far they can read on their own.
Write done how long you timed them (ie 2:00) then circle the last work they read each night.  Encourage them to read further each night when timing. I am only requiring ONE, one-two minute timing/night for now. AS they become more comfortable, confident, successful readers, I will have you time them up to the three times/night with the idea that they will eventually be able to completely read each passage in one minute.
***You may count the timings toward your student’s required weekly reading minutes.***

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4. Phonics and High Frequency Words
Last week we worked on words with the short /a/ sound. This week we will be working on the short /i/ sound. Please review words with the short Middle sound /a/.

Spelling and Vocabulary Words
Parents, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure your student is writing each word correctly on the back of their spelling paper, and that all writing is nice and  neat as well as organized.

Our first spelling test will be Friday, September 15th.




Please take a few minutes to review what your student has written as well as how. I am VERY picky about where the letters go,  and how they are formed and that there is a space between words. Your student should NEVER BEGIN ANY LETTER FROM THE BOTTOM!!!! ***NO BOTTOM DWELLERS!!! It’s so important that students form good writing habits now. Bad habits are VERY hard to break!

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5. I Love Science!
Your student should have their “Moon Journal”  in their green homework folder. Please help your student with this SUPER COOL science project, by reminding them to view, then record the changes/phases of the moon through September 19th. I also have a link to the moon rise, set and phases on the bottom right hand and side of my blog. It says 2016 but there is a place to change the date once you get on the site. HAPPY MOON GAZING!
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Quest Academy Fundraiser

Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 6.58.26 AMWe are selling Cookie Dough to help fund awesome things for our awesome students! Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, sports, field day, field trips, library books, and more. 

Here are some things to know:
The fundraiser sale begins TODAY
Orders are due back by Sept 18
Make checks to POQA
Cookie dough orders will arrive Oct 6 at the school

Online sales also count and they are an easy way to invite family and friends to place orders.
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Weekly Reminders for September 4th-8th

  Check your child’s green folder nightly.

   Homework due
    $1.00 dress down fundraiser to benefit those affected by Hurricane Harvey 

 We are still in need of field trip donations. We are requesting a $15.00 donation to help with our field trip expenses, including the cost of bus transportation for the school year. These include Hogle Zoo, Ogden Nature Center, and Hill Aerospace Museum.

4- We are collecting Box Tops, feel free to send them in a plastic bag labeled with student name and grade.

5- Scholastic Book Order.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2Scholastic Book Club
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Hogle Zoo Fieldtrip Information

cartoon_animals_05YEAH!!!!!We have received confirmation that our Hogle Zoo Field Trip will be Tuesday, September 12th. Please mark your calendars if you plan on attending. 

I still need field trip and class party permission from the following students. If I DO NOT get have permission by Friday, September 8th, the following students MAY NOT be able to participate.

There are school sack lunches available for field trips. School sack lunches contain an Uncrustable  (PB and J) sandwich, applesauce or apple, carrots and shelf-stable chocolate or white milk. Orders MUST be submitted by Tuesday, September 5th. If you would like to order a sack lunch for our Hogle Zoo field trip, please click on the following link: Field Trip Sack Lunch

Parent Chaperones:
We always appreciate the outpouring of support to be chaperones and know that our students will have a memorable experience. We are limited on the number of parents we can take on the buses. If you previously indicated that you would like to ride the bus, but would be willing to drive your own car please let us know on the link below. If you have indicated that you would like to ride the bus and have special circumstances that would necessity your riding the bus, please indicate on the link below. If we still have more parents than spots available on the bus we will hold a random drawing for bus assignments. Chaperone Bus Form

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Important Reminders, Yearly Permission Slip and Field Trip Information


  •   If you I don’t have signed permission for the following students listed below by Friday, September 8th they MAY NOT be able to go on to Hogle Zoo Tuesday, September 12th.

  • Permission Slip  This gives your child permission to participate in all the activities and learning experiences this year.
  • If I DO NOT have your student’s permission form signed, they WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to participate in any FIELD TRIPS or SCHOOL LEARNING ACTIVITIES that required authorization, or to consume any food/treats at said activities.

  • I can’t stress enough the importance of making donations for our field trips and parties. We rely on these donations in order for activities to take place. If we don’t get enough financial support many if not ALL activities will be canceled!!!
    $15 for our yearly field trips: This money is for the whole year. It goes toward transportation, and entrance fees for both off and on sight activities like the Hogel Zoo and the Ogden Nature Center. Paying $12 for the class activities/parties: Allows the opportunity to watch for sales so we can get more supplies for the bucks!
Related image  I wanted to thank all of you who have so graciously made donations toward our class supplies. IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!

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Homework for September 4th-8th

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***There are 4 components to homework this week. 1-3 need to be turned in on Friday, September 8th, and 4th on Monday, September 11th.
2. Spelling
3. Reading Fluency
4. Reading 

1.  Math: Please have your student write their name on each homework page. Please check your students work to make sure ALL answers are complete and correct.

2. Spelling: Please make sure your student writes their name on their spelling  homework and that it is attached to their math and reading fluency homework. Please make sure that your student has CORRECTLY FORMED letters which include UPPER and LOWER case letters where appropriate, and that all words are correctly spelled. Their work needs to be nice and neat.
***LOL ask your student about bottom dwellers, and how they should NEVER start their letter from the bottom…

3. Reading: Please record your student reading minutes on their calendar each night. Remember I will check them each Monday for the prior weeks minutes.

4. Reading Fluency Passages: Please make sure your student’s name in on their paper and that it is attached to the spelling and math homework. Please record your student’s time (1-2 minutes) and have them circle the word they ended on after each nightly timing.

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1. My Math Homework
Tuesday-Lesson Lesson 8:  Ways to make 6&7  (This was covered Friday so it should be a nice review)
Wednesday- Lesson 9:  Ways to make 8
Thursday-Lesson 10: Ways to make 9

Please look in your child’s green folder on Tuesday for worksheets with concepts being taught in class.  The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math.  Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so! :) Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers.

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2. Spelling and High Frequency Words:
Since Quest is implementing a new Language Arts program this year, the homework may evolve over time as everyone becomes more familiar with all the components etc. For now, I will print off the weekly spelling homework.
Below are the spelling and high frequency words we will be working on and that I will be testing the students on this week. There are two high frequency words, school and what, that WILL NOT be on our spelling test but that students need to be able to read nevertheless. Please read the directions thoroughly and follow them as outlined. Please have your student do one activity per night, then write the spelling words on the back of their paper one time, then REVIEW the HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS for UNIT 1 WEEK 1 on the  HIGH FREQUENCY  WORD RING you received at back to school night.



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3. Reading 20 minutes or more per day
RECORD YOUR READING EVERY DAY YOU READ ON YOUR  “BOOK IT”  READING LOG located in your green folder. This week, I am including a reading fluency page for homework paper with your student. Please let your student know that they need to so their best and if they don’t

***There are many sources for reading:  Books from HOME LIBRARIES, the PUBLIC LIBRARY  as well as READING FOR ALL LEARNERS “Baggie Books” which will be coming home this week. Because I have more students than beginning books, I have to stagger when some students start to bring home their “Baggie Books”home. Please make sure you ALWAYS send your student’s Baggie Book” back to school with them each day so parent/teacher volunteers can read with them.

  I am working on student passwords for Wonders and Waterford which you will also have FREE access to use from home. I will let you know as soon as they are set up and ready to go.

***CHECK OUT THIS SITE FOR BOOK ON LINE READ BY FAMOUS PEOPLE It’s fantastic!!! http://www.storylineonline.net/

Don’t forget about reading comprehension! Understanding what you are reading is just as important as being a fluent reader!!! PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding.  THIS  HELPS STUDENTS PREPARE FOR OUR  LANGUAGE ARTS WORK  AND our DIBELS COMPREHENSION PIECE.
Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

4. Reading Fluency Passages:
Please read over each sentence several times with your student so they become familiar with the words. Have them practice sounding out words that follow “Regular Rules” and then stop and think about the words that are “Red or Rule Breakers.” Time them for ONE, one-two minute timing to see how far they can read on their own.
Write done how long you timed them (ie 2:00) then circle the last work they read each night.  Encourage them to read further each night when timing. I am only requiring ONE, one-two minute timing/night for now. AS they become more comfortable, confident, successful readers, I will have you time them up to the three times/night with the idea that they will eventually be able to completely read each passage in one minute.
***You may count the timings toward your student’s required weekly reading minutes.***
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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1138769358/IMG_0481.jpgA HUGE thank you to all the parents who helped today with our field trip to Hogle Zoo. The kids had such a great time. I showed the students who stayed at the school the pictures we have on our ipad, but would love to have any of the pictures taken while in their groups too. Please email any you took today so I can add them to the ones we currently have. I would like to try to post them by Friday.
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Updated Cookie Sales Totals Needed

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  • Parents POCA has asked for an updated  cookies sales count. I need to turn in the numbers before 9:00 tomorrow morning.If your student has sold any cookies, please click on the link below with their total so far: Updated Cookie Sale Totals
  • I am in the process of adding a little widget to the blog page so  you can see how our class is progressing. I have a slight LOL competitive side, and would love for our class to sell the most. If our class sells 150 items/tubs, we will earn an Ice Cream Sunday party. HAHAHA WE REALLY, REALLY!!! WANT TO HAVE AN ICE CREAM SUNDAY PARTY! WE can/will reach our class goal if all students can sell just 6 cookies tubs.
  • REMEMBER, and most importantly, the money raised is passed on the students for activities, STEM clubs, and library books just to name a few.
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