First Day of School Pictures

Ok here are some pictures from the first LOL, second day of school….I totally forgot to take them yesterday. We had a great day today and, for the most part, the kids are quickly picking up our classroom procedures  meeting expectations.
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Fantastic First Day!!!

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We had such a great first day of school. We reviewed and practiced so many things today. The kids did so well lining up, walking into school quietly as well as down the hall. We only had a few that needed a little reminder on the way back to our room from lunch. I WAS SO VERY VERY PLEASED AND PROUD OF THEM!!!! We are going to have the best class and year.

  • We also talked about the importance of our homework folders and how they need to go home and be returned to school each day…STARTING TODAY!!!  The students who return their folders will earn  3 STAR DUSTS!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE , PLEASE, help your student with this task by checking their folders daily, take out the class work from the back , look for homework and return the folder to their backpack….It is such a simple, but important, part of the learning process. I hold the students to high standards when it comes to completing  and returning all assignments.
Thanks so much for your support. You have fantastic, amazing, beautiful children. Mrs. Sharp and I are so excited to have each of them in our class and look forward to all the “AH HA” moments that are sure to come
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Important Lunch Information!!!

Practice lunch independent skills
How to open containers and packages
How to properly and safely use a microwave
How to prepare microwaveable meals
What to keep and what to throw away

What’s for school lunch?
Fresh salad bar daily
2 Hot and 2 Cold Entrees

***Quest Academy Pizza Lunch***
Friday Pizza count will be submitted on Wednesday.
I will have a student list on the board for parents to check if your student has permission to have Pizza on Friday’s.

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First Day Pick Up Information

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We are so excited for our FIRST DAY of school tomorrow and hope you are too!!

Remember: The first three days of school are EARLY OUT days and end at 1:30.

 To help ease the first day pick up jitters for parents and students, we wanted to let you know that we lead our class out the EAST doors.  Once we exit the EAST DOORS,we will then send the CAR POOL KIDS around to the back, from there, we will take the regular pick-ups to our class’s designated meeting spot around the corner just past the first tree . 

If you have instructed your child to meet you somewhere else (often with older siblings), they can then let either Mrs. Sharp or Mrs. Vella know they will be going to that spot.  Otherwise, your child will be waiting at our designated spot and can go with you after your child lets us know you are there and we see you.  

We will do this the first few days until we all feel comfortable with pick up.
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Parking Lot Procedures

Some of the most frequent questions we receive at Back to School night are:

  • “Where do I pick up and drop off my student?”  
  • “I’m hearing people talk about stacking lanes. What are they talking about?” 
  • “Can I park in a stall and have my student come to me?”
Whether you are new to Quest or a Quest veteran, please take a moment and view this informative AND entertaining video about the parking lot procedures at Quest.

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Happy Birthday Elias!

Welcome to First Grade and Happy Birthday Elias!
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Happy Birthday Carlos!

Happy Birthday Carlos!
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Back to School Night

Welcome 2017-2018 First Grade Parents and Students!!!
Mrs. Sharp and I can’t wait to meet you at Quest’s Back to School Night Monday, August 14th from 5:30-7:30. WE realize that YOUR TIME IS VERY IMPORTANT so, this year, we have scheduled three different sessions for meeting and going over the ins, and outs of our classroom.
The information covered during each 30 minute session will be the same so, feel free to choose the one that best meets your schedule 5:30, 6:00, or 6:30. Immediately  following the last session, ALL supported classroom teachers, staff and Administration would love to meet with you to share some basic information in the Q1 gym. Again, WE are SO EXCITED to meet you as we begin what is sure to be a STAR STUDDED YEAR!
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Happy Birthday Jocelyn!

Happy Birthday Jocelyn!
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Welcome and Happy Belated Birthday Gunner!

Welcome and Happy Belated Birthday Gunner! Gunner’s Birthday was on August 2nd. We are so excited to have you in our class.
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