Parent Teacher Conferences

parent teacher conferences clip art

Dear Parents,
I noticed that several of you have selected one slot, in multiple months. If that applies to you I need you to select ONE TIME ONLY. By selecting more than one time, other parents won’t be able to meet with me. I have designed it so that there are 24ish slots total, for 24 student’s parents during September, October and November combined.  If I end up having open slots I will let you know.
I am always willing to meet most days after school from 3:30-4:00. If you need to meet with me because you have questions or concerns, please feel free to schedule a meeting during the above mentioned time.
***I prefer NOT to meet in the morning, as I often have school related business/meetings, and last minute things to prepare for the day. Thank you for your help in the matter.
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Parent Teacher Times Revised

parent teacher conferences clip art
I decided to start a little earlier as well as shorten my conference times by 5 minutes in order to accommodate more parents. I have also included sign up times for November which should allow everyone a time slot.

Click below to complete an online sign up for Parent Teachers Conferences.
Conference Sign Up
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Hogle Zoo Volunteers


Here is the most current volunteer list I have. I have also indicated bus preference. Please let me know if there are any changes or if you would like to join us for the day. It’s a great way to get your volunteers hours in.
1. Izzac C- Trinton (BUS)
2. Bristol M- Thelissa (BUS)
3. Jaykob H- Paige (BUS)
4. Cid D- Lisa (BUS)
5. Rome M- Monique (BUS)
6. Isaac F- AJ
7. Ryder H- Shaylee
8. Ashtun J- Nancy & Christopher
9. Journey M- Tristi
10. Knixus S- Jaque
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Weekly Reminders

Home Bear
1. All Homework is due tomorrow.
Math homework lessons 3, 4 and 5
Spelling words Tuesday -Thursday
Tomorrow is the last day I will accept homework from last week.

2. Please check your student’s folder every night. 

3. Parent Teacher Conferences– Thursdays: Sept 29 and Oct 27 
Please look at your calendar to see what time will work best for you. I allow more time to meet with my parents than some of the other teachers especially at the beginning.

Thursday September 29th

Thursday October 27th

4. We are collecting Box Tops, feel free to send them in a plastic bag labeled with student name and grade.

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Final Fieldtip Day Confirmed!

WOW THIS IS MORE THAN CRAZY AND EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING!!!! I promise this is IT!!!! We have heard again from Hogle Zoo that we are rescheduled for Thursday September 22. 

Since the date has changed again, I am asking everyone who previously agreed to chaperone to reconfirm their availability in order to compile a good list. Please direct all responses in this matter to my blog not DOJO.

I have been given 5 chaperone spaces on the bus and everyone else will need to provide their own transportation. I know I had a couple parents request bus spots but  would like those to be reconfirmed as well. 

I love parent volunteers so feel free to spend the day at the zoo with us. It is a wonderful way to get to know all the amazing kiddos in our class.

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Home Bear

Ok I just wanted to let you know that I sent home My Math homework today. You should have 3 pages. PLEASE DO NOT let your student work ahead even though they may want to. I have the homework planned to go along with what we have covered on class. I don’t want them to develop  sad habits, get confused or frustrated by working on something we haven’t covered. I have a ton of fun tools that I teach when working on different concepts which help the students remember what to do. 
Today we covered number sentences. Please ask your student what the math symbols are as they are completing their math sentences. Tomorrow we will be using dominoes when we learn about adding “O”.

I noticed that many of you had already printed out the spelling form WHA HOO for you!!!!!It was awesome to see. I only had a couple, I think , that missed doing or turning in homework. Remember that after this Friday I will no longer accept homework that was due last week and all student who have not turned it in by then will earn a 0 (zero).

I am so impressed with how responsible ALL the kiddos are a when it comes to having their folders! I am so proud of them! Keep up the good work!!! You have amazing, wonderful kiddos!!!
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Sad Choices

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It was a sad day today for many students in our class. Parents please let you students know that I love them and am glad they are in my class however, I have VERY high expectations which they are ALL aware of by now. Some of my students will have some delayed consequences tomorrow as a result of sad choices made today.  Please review my 3 rules about respecting yourself, others and the school as stated in my class disclosure. I am sure those that need to work on things will have a fabulous day tomorrow.  I am more than happy to let them enjoy their earned consequence, happy or sad! THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OUR CHOICES!
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Urgent!!! Field Trip Changes


***We have had an unexpected change as to the field trip date… The zoo has canceled our Tuesday, September 6th date. 
WE are now booked for Friday,  September 16th. We will be leaving  and returning from the zoo as currently planned just on the 16th.

If you signed up to be a volunteer and are now not able to come, PLEASE let me know by Wednesday so I can get  an accurate volunteer count.
I will then compose a new chaperone list, when everyone has had a chance to figure out their schedules, and gets back to me.


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Important Reminders

Home Bear
  • Homework Due Tomorrow:                                                                                             1. Math Homework Lessons 1 & 2
    2. Reading Calendars for the week.

  • Friday Early Out Day:                                                                                               School is out at 1:00 tomorrow So please plan accordingly!!!                                                                                                                                              
  • Uniforms T0morrow:                                                                                          Uniforms required, but your student may wear their school spirit shirt with approved uniform pants, skirts, shorts or jumpers.

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Improtant Fieldtrip Information

cartoon_animals_05    I just wanted to thank all the parents who have so graciously made their YEARLY field trip  donation. If you haven’t had a chance to pay your donation to the office,  please do so ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. If  you are unable to donate the $15 at this time, feel free to donate $5 for now. The cost for the bus transportation is over $700. That does not include the Hogle Zoo entrance fees. Again we have so many fun field trips planned, I would hate to have to cancel them for lack of funds.

  • Parent Volunteers:                                                                                                                I am ALWAYS looking for more volunteers so don’t be shy…If you signed up to chaperone on our Hogle Zoo field trip, Tuesday September 6th, and are not able to go now,  PLEASE let me know by 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. I will be putting the kiddos into their groups after school tomorrow.
The following is the most current volunteer list I have.:
& Misty Choate
Jaque Sparks
Christy Olson
Melissa  Elmer
Kaycee Vandenberg
Danica Smith
Andres Fraga

  • Important Details:                                                                                                            We will be lining up and heading out to the buses at 8:40. We need to be back to the bus by 1:30. I will be doing a quick student count so we make sure we have everyone, then be back on the so we won’t be late for end of day dismissal. 
    If you are a volunteer, PLEASE plan on being here by 8:15 so I can give you your student list and go over any last minute details.
    • If you are a volunteer and would like to ride on the bus with your student, I have 4 spaces available (First come, first served). All other parents need to plan on driving their own car.
    • If you would like to bring a younger sibling,  you will need to plan on driving your own car. In years past, the entrance fee for parent volunteers has been covered by Quest, however, I would plan on bringing funds to pay for anyone OTHER your student(s) just in case.
    • Students need to bring a SACK LUNCH with their names on it. Volunteers, you need to bring some sort of bag or backpack in which to carry your assigned student’s lunches in. You may eat lunch with your students whenever they get hungry.
    • The Quest Lunch people have said that they can provide a lunch for $1.75 which includes:  A  PB&J sandwich, bag of carrots, apple, and juice box.
    ***HOWEVER…IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAID FOR BEFORE NOW…. If ordered one and you haven’t paid for it yet, or are interested in seeing if it is still an option, feel free to check with the office tomorrow.      

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