Computers OH WHAT FUN!
We have been practicing logging in and out of our computers.  

You can help your student by having them practice typing their username.

Username: firstname.lastname
For example:   john.doe

WE have learned that a  URL is an address to a page,  and that each page adds a tab. WE have learned about the Quest Academy Home Page.  WE can find lots of neat apps under the “For Students” tab drop down box titled “Student Links.”

WE have also been visiting some fun web pages/sites. The following are just a few of our favorites that you may want to check out too:
Story line on line has famous people reading wonderful books. Last week we listened to ” My Monster is Missing” and today we listened to “Harry the Dirty Dog.”

WE LOVE GO NOODLE!!! I hope your student has been talking about Go Noodle. It’s so fun!!! You choose a little champ who evolves as you complete 10 activities. There are several levels. Today we completed Level 5 with Bart Reynolds. See certificate below because I told the kids I would post it to our blog! I will send home a note about it tomorrow.

Class DOJO… So far I only have 14 parents signed up for this so I will be sending home a note with more details about this tomorrow. PLEASE sign up!! This is a great way for you to track your students progress throughout the day. Some days are more active than others. Your student can/will eventually build e-student work portfolios on their dojo.

Starfall is another program that I/WE  USE A TON! You can use our free very limited version in the “Student Links” or for about $35 you can download a yearly subscription. IT IS WORTH THE MONEY TRUST ME. If you have any questions I will be more than happy to show you!!!

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Friday Reminders

out early

This is just a reminder that this Friday (26th) is a short day and a free dress down day. The elementary will begin at 8:30am and end at 1:00pm. Below are the guidelines for dress down Fridays: 

On free dress days, students are still expected to dress in a manner that positively impacts the learning environment. Clothing must be modest, tasteful, and it must not compromise safety standards for our students. The following standards include:

  • Shorts and skirts need to be consistent with QA Uniform Policy
  • No tank tops
  • No baggy pants
  • No bare or stocking feet
  • No open toe or heeled shoes
  • No clothing which displays obscene, vulgar, lewd, or sexually explicit words, messages or pictures
  • No clothing that exposes bare midriffs, buttocks or undergarments
  • No clothing assumed as gang related
  • If questions arise, the school administration, as the Board of Directors’ designee, has the authority to determine if a student’s dress is in keeping with this policy.
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Dress Code

uniform-colors1We frequently receive questions concerning the school dress code.  For your convenience, click here to access the complete Quest Academy dress code page: Dress Code

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind, but more detailed information will be found at the above link:

1- Shirts must be tucked.  If the shirt is too short to tuck, it’s too short for school.
2- Sweaters need to be solid red, white or blue only.  Tan is not uniform compliant. 
3- Hooded sweaters or vests are not uniform compliant.
4- “Polo dresses” in red or blue or the plaid #36 have been added to the uniform guidelines.  These dresses need to have a collar. 
5- Socks must be worn at all times.  Socks can be solid red, white, or blue.  
6- If wearing a belt it needs to be solid black or brown. 
7- Plaid must be “plaid # 36”.
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Back to School Bash

2016-08-20 16.04.17
FUN! FREE! FAMILY NIGHT!!! Don’t miss out on all  the fun. Make it a date with your whole family this Friday.

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Homework Schedule and Lunch

Home Bear
Here is a quick glimpse at our upcoming homework start dates:

August 22-26: No Homework 
August 29-September 2:  DAILY Reading Log (20-30 minutes reading per day) & Math Homework begins.
September 5-9: High Frequency Spelling Words begins  (Reading Log & Math continues)
September 12-16Our class WILL NOT be doing sort homework for now.  (Reading Log, Math & High Frequency Spelling Words continue)

I will add a list of High Frequency Spelling Words to your students folders this week.  Week 1 will be practiced and tested September 5-9. Students need to be able to read and spell these words. I will also add the High Frequency Spelling Homework form this week so you can take a look at it. I will also post fun activities that will enrich this part of your kiddos homework. Just in case you haven’t had a chance to explore links under the homework tab, I have a made our HF Spelling words into flash cards so all you need to do is print them out to review with your kiddo…

lunch boxLUNCH 
For those students bringing home lunch; Please spend some time this week helping your student practice independent lunch preparation.  For example; 
How to open containers and packages (i.e. opening pudding cups, putting straws in juice boxes, etc.)
How to properly and safely use a microwave (i.e. paper towel under food, how long to cook it, how to remove the hot food, what NOT to put in a microwave, etc.)
How to prepare microwaveable meals. A common problem that occurs is children neglect to add water to microwaveable meals, like easy mac.  This results in burnt lunch, a stinky school, and a very sad child.
What to keep and what to throw away (i.e. keep tupperware, please throw away opened juice box even if not finished, etc.)

**Please remind your student, that for health reasons, students are NOT to share their food or take food from other students.  Thank you.

Home lunch students are welcome to purchase milk or chocolate milk.  Click here to add money to your child’s lunch account for purchasing school lunch or just milk: Quest Academy Lunch Payments

What’s for school lunch?  Click here to view the monthly menus: Quest Academy Lunch
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Headphones will begin using computers this week.  If your child has not brought headphones to school yet we encourage you to send them as soon as possible. We use our headphones EVERY SINGLE DAY, often all at the same time, and we do not allow students to borrow other students’ headphones because of liability in case they are broken, etc.  

Thank you very much! :) 
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Important Reminders and Upcoming Events


  • Picture Day is Monday, August 22nd
  • Wear school UNIFORMS (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
  • Look for the picture day flyer that came home yesterday in your student’s green homework folder.
  • You can pay online at: Bell Photographers  
  • Online password is: questacad2016
  • Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)
  • See flyer for additional payment options.  Quest Picture Day Flyer 2016


  • Mark your calendars now for our  Hogle Zoo field trip on Tuesday, September 6th. If you haven’t signed the google Parent Permission Slip for this years fieldtrips, learning activities and parties PLEASE DO SO NOW.
  • We are asking for a one time donation of $15 dollars help cover the cost for ALL transportation, and entrance fees for our planned yearly fiieldtrips in addition to a one time donation of  $14 to help cove the costs of food and party supplies for the year. If we don’t get enough support we may not be able to provide these activities for your student.

  • I am still missing Class Disclosures from a few students. If you haven’t read and returned a class disclosure form please do so and send it back with your student NO LATER THAN MONDAY!!! You can find the class disclosure under the parent link on our blog.
  • Scholastic book orders are due Wednesday, August 31st. If you missed getting a flyer Monday at back to school night, don’t worry,  you can go simply go on line to see the great deals that are going on now.
  • Buying books from scholastic is an inexpensive way to build up your home library and help our classroom library grow at the same time. Our class code is:  JBTR2

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I’m in First Grade Now

Day 2 was another very busy day. We reviewed procedures, read the book “Juice Box Bully” then signed a contract about not being a bully, in addition too practicing  letters /Aa/ and /Bb/.
  I talked with the kids about the sounds these letters make. We had to review the right way to make the sound for letter Bb because some of the kids were saying the sound like this…buh with a strong “ah” sound which isn’t correct. LOL I also shared some fun little chants along with  silly pictures to help them remember how to write each letter. Please be aware, I am VERY, VERY picky about how the kids write their letters, and make their sounds. It’s so important that kids build good habits when reading and writing. This includes making the correct letter sounds and forming letters correctly.

  • The chant for upper case letter “A” is Slant left-slant right, then across the middle. The Chant for lower case letter “a” is (starting  in the upper right corner of the middle line), left around the apple, then down the leaf.   The kids got it super fast and had a little laugh at my picture. 
  • The chant for upper case letter “B” is Sky to the ground (with the sky being the top line and the ground being the bottom line), seals jumping sideways once, seals jumping sideways twice. It looks like a 3.  Ask them about the seals part they really liked it. It relates to seals at the zoo. The chant for lower case letter “b” will forever help them with reversals between “b and d”. It goes like this…Down the bat and around the ball.  I told the kids to always look for the “bat” because “b” always has the bat first.                      
  • Students should NEVER EVER start any letters from the bottom!!!! NO BOTTOM DWELLERS… ALL LETTERS start in the middle (where the dotted line is ) or at the top.
Here’s some super amazing “kid pics” for your viewing pleasure!!! I can’t wait to see them tomorrow. They are already finding a special place in our hearts.

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Important Reminders

happyI was SO excited to see so many of you at back to school night. There are a couple of things that I forgot to mention that I wanted to make sure you are aware. 

1. PLEASE decide on a meeting spot outside for you to meet your child after school. Make sure they stay in that spot until you come and find them. The first two weeks I will walk them out and stay with them however, after that I have parking lot responsibilities in the back and won’t be able to stay with them. It gets busy at the end of the day and I want to make sure everyone is safe. 

2. Subscribing to the blog I can’t stress enough. This is my MAIN source of communication and when I update the blog you will receive an email of any and all updates. 

3. Please sign the yearly permission slip
Permission Slip 
This gives your child permission to participate in all the activities and learning experiences this year. I also can’t stress enough the importance of paying the office the donations for the field trip and parties. We rely on these donations in order for those activities to take place. It is $15 for the year for our field trips and $12 for our class parties. That amount will take care of ALL the activities for the year. 

4. If you paid the office $40 for the school supplies don’t forget you still need to purchase a backpack, water bottle, and a set of headphones. I will take care of the rest! 

See you all on Wednesday!
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First Day Pick Up

We are so excited for our FIRST DAY of school today and hope you are too!!Pick Up

Remember: The first three days of school are EARLY OUT days and end at 1:00.

To help ease the first day pick up jitters for parents and students, we wanted to let you know that we lead our entire class outside  just  front the Kinder classroom windows.  

If you have instructed your child to meet you somewhere else (often with older siblings), they can then let either Mrs. Hills or Mrs. Teichert know they will be going to that spot.  Otherwise, your child will be waiting at our designated spot and can go with you after your child lets us know you are there and we see you.  

We will do this the first few days until we all feel comfortable with pick up.
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