Yearbooks can still be purchased.  Last day to order: Friday, April 29th.
Click here to order your K-5 yearbook online:  
Quest Academy Yearbooks


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Reminders from POQA

First, it is time to submit nominations for the 2016-2017 POQA Board.  The following positions are open: President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.  This is a great way to continue to make Quest the BEST!!!  If you would like to submit a nomination for yourself or nominate someone else, fill out the form located in the Q1 and Q2 offices and return it to Angelee in the Q1 office by Friday, April 29th.

Second, our school Carnival is going to be 
May 20th 5-8PM at the school.  Pre-sale tickets are on sale now at a discounted price. Please go to https://squareup.com/store/poqa to purchase pre-sell tickets.

Please don’t forget Tuesday, April 26th is Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a in Riverdale from 5-7PM.  Mention Quest Academy and they will donate 25% back to the school.  Please share this with family and friends.
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Spring Picture Are Here

Hello, Parents!

The photography company that took Spring pictures for our school actually sent complete photo packages of each child to the school.  If you would like to view the photos, you can view them online:Spring Pictures

1. Visit the following website: https://store.bellphoto.com/
2. Enter our school code: zF152051
3. Enter your child’s “webcode” (listed below)

If you choose to purchase them, please either pay online and bring the receipt to our classroom or please pay for the photos in the office and bring the receipt to our classroom, and then please come pick them up from our classroom.  The cost is as follows:

Any one sheet: $14
Any two sheets: $24
Any three sheets: $30
Any four sheets: $34
All 5 sheets: $36

Nash       5ED3MZUY
Rayne     DKFSBQJZ
Tyce        CXVUWXXA
Ryker     YCREY7Y8
Noah      NMZCHJSJ
Oaklee   YK35ZWE6
Azylin    THGF5TBS
Zavian   GREYMM7C
Lexie      AFA6S5YN
Denver  86QBV6TH
Jason     BZGMFDBJ
Kambree 6NUAWEAH
Rusty      N37JEKSV
Bryan     3W3TMMYE
Mckylie  3JF7CWZ5
Corbin    8GNHTDYA
Ryllie      RNJ4V55P
Charlee   PB7BCG5K
Adaliah  GS5DRXZS
Tyson      XYPJ4BTC
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Aerospace Museum Field Trip

We had so much fun today at the Aerospace museum!!! First things first….Here you see us getting the “Low Down” on expectations, activities and all the fun things to see and do while at the museum. I hope you enjoy the pictures. I am sure there will be more coming. Please feel free to email any pictures you took and would like to share with our class.


Mrs. Nelson and one of her awesome parents hooked us up with the firetruck. The students had an up close look at what’s the inside of a firetruck. Students that wanted could then pass through the inside back cab, and…WELL SIT IN THE  “DRIVERS SEAT!” OH MAN ARE YOU IN FOR A TREAT!!!…The smiles and waves say it all!!!
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Here we have some students doing some…weeding? I asked them what they discovered on the bus ride home…They said the roots were strong and that the weeds were hard to pull out. We had a nice chat about the roots and root system, etc…I love that they are able to talk about what we are teaching them about plants, their parts and life cycle.

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Here the students are making what I call “Whirly Birds.” As soon as they we finished making them they rushed over to the balcony to test them out. I have a couple demonstration video’s in the mix of pictures.
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Hill Aerospace Museum Field Trip

Tomorrow is the big day for our Hill Aerospace Museum field trip.  Here are a few reminders to help your student have a successful, enjoyable day:

1-Red uniform shirt and uniform pants.
2- Good shoes for walking AND a light jacket just in case the weather is bad. If it warms up students can tie it around their waist. 
3- Labeled home lunch, include plastic utensils, paper towel, etc.  Lunches must be 100% disposable!!!
(NO microwaves will be available)
4- Arrive on time!!!  Buses will depart at 8:45am, expected return around 1:30-2:00pm.

***Our class will be divided up among the other 1st grade classes at school before we leave in order to follow museum staff class size requests.  My adult volunteers and students will follow their assigned teachers schedule for the ENTIRE day. WE ARE ASKING VOLUNTEERS TOO BRING A BACKPACK TO CARRY AROUND THEIR ASSIGNED STUDENTS LUNCHES. YOU SHOULD ONLY HAVE 3-4 STUDENTS SO IT SHOULDN’T  TO BAD.

***I still have one volunteer seat still available on the bus which I would like to fill. If you would like to ride on the bus let me know as well as if you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

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Homework for April 25th-29th

Home Bear


***THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF MATH HOMEWORK WORKSHEETS, AND SPELLING HOMEWORK! The remaining weeks we will only have reading homework and math timings.
***In May we will be doing testing and major comprehensive reviews on all concepts taught in both Math, Reading and Spelling! Please CONTINUE TO WORK HARD WITH YOUR STUDENT  encouraging them to be productive at home and in school:)

****NOW….Speaking of math timings….We had an amazing week with our math timings. So many students were able to pass off their current timing so please be sure to check out your students current 

For this weeks homework, there are 4 required components:
Please make sure all components are together and complete for
1. Math: Complete all problems and Math Timings. (One timing per day)
2. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!) Record on April Book It Calendar
3. High Frequency Timed Reading (Must have correct words read NOT initials for credit!)
4. Spelling

1-Math Homework:
Monday: No Homework
Tuesday: Chapter 10 Lesson 4 Combine Three Dimensional Shapes
Wednesday: No Homework (We will be reviewing on class for our test on Thursday)
Thursday: No Homework
The goal is to finish 25 problems in 1 minute and 30 seconds, with 90% accuracy (23 out of 25 problems correct).  To print the timed test click here: Timings-ALL 






Near Doubles


Make A Ten



Left Overs

reading clip art
I love reading!!!!!
2- Reading 20 minutes or more per day
***There are SEVERAL SOURCES for reading: “Reading for all Learners” also known as”Baggy books” SENT HOME FROM SCHOOL, books from HOME LIBRARIES  or the PUBLIC LIBRARY  and our ON LINE READING program Raz-Kids Our class Raz-Kids login is: dvella0 (that’s a zero)
***CHECK OUT THIS SITE FOR BOOK ON LINE READ BY FAMOUS PEOPLE It’s fantastic!!! http://www.storylineonline.net/

***REMEMBER that in order for your student to pass off a “Baggy Book”, look for 90% Accuracy with the ability to Re-tell details about what they have read.
Don’t forget reading fluency and comprehension are partners! You don’t want one without the other!!!! Understanding what is being read is just as important as being a fluent reader but if your student is taking a long time to  decode words they forget what they are reading they need to work on fluency!!! IT JUST TAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF PRACTICE…
PLEASE use these Re-Tell Ropes whenever you are reading with your student checking for understanding as THIS WILL ALSO HELP THEM PREPARE FOR OUR FINAL DIBELS TEST COMPREHENSION PIECE.

Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3

3- Click here to print this week’s reading fluency: Timed Reading Fluency Practice

spelling writing-clip-art
4. High Frequency Words
Here is the link to print our weekly spelling homework form:  New Weekly Spelling Homework **Remember if you choose  not to print off and use this form you need to make sure your student is writing each word and the sentence daily on paper, and that all the papers get turned in on Friday for credit.

This is how we play cards.

This week the sentence is worth  points, spelling words are worth 8. Total points possible for the test this week will be 16.

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Field Trip and Spring Activity Permission Slip

Once again I am asking those of you who haven’t yet had the chance to sign the permission slip for your child to attend our school field trip this coming Tuesday April 26th to take the time to do so. I need a count so I can get students put into groups.

Please click on the link below. 

Field Trip Permission Slip and Spring Activities

We are still  asking for a $3.oo donation to help cover the cost of transportation to and from the museum. Payments can be made to the office.
Also I would love to have at least 10 parent volunteers to go with us. I have space on the bus for 3 parents everyone else please feel free to meet us there. Bus seats will be on a need/ first come first served basis.
If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email or text message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book Clubs
***April Scholastic book orders are due Friday April 29th. In order to get books back before the end of the school year, I have set the May book order due date for Friday May 13th. Parents please think about what books your students could get excited about reading this summer and find some at their reading level. A good rule of thumb is to have your student read a typical passage/page, and if they can read the whole page with fewer than 3 mistakes (or 80% words read correctly), it should be fine for them to read the book on their own. On the other hand… If their is a particular book or author that your student is in love with but may be above his/her reading level,  get it too with the idea that it needs to be a book you will read together.

Below is the scholastic web site address and our class code:
Our class code is: JBTR2
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Pennies for Paula

Picture of Paula     Picture of Paula 2
Here is the information below on Paula and how you can help: 

“Pennies for Paula”

          Paula Gilsdorf-Barker is an amazing woman who is constantly trying to bless the lives of others—despite overwhelming trials in her own life.  She has had to endure the deaths of two husbands as well as a son.  Now she is fighting yet another battle. 

         Recently while in Africa providing humanitarian aid, Paula was in a terrible taxi accident.  After she was flown to Paris for surgery, doctors decided that the damage to her legs was too severe, and they had to amputate both legs from the knee down.  She now has a long road to recovery, but we can help ease the burden of her journey!

        As you can imagine, Paula’s medical and travel expenses are now tremendous.  As a result, our Service Club and NJHS have decided to put on a “Pennies for Paula” donation drive.  We will be collecting money to contribute to Paula’s cause from Wednesday, April 13th to Friday, April 22nd. 

       There will be collection jars in the front office and library of both Q1 and Q2.  People will also be coming around to each classroom to collect donations at the end of Friday, April 15th and Friday, April 22nd.  Please donate whatever you can.  Help this wonderful woman know that people are thinking of and caring about her, just as she has done for countless others.

If you are unable to send cash/change to the school during this money drive, or if you would like to read more about Paula’s story, you may go tohttps://www.youcaring.com/paula-gilsdorf-barker-545924.

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Field Trip Permission Slip and Spring Activities

Please click on the link below. 

Field Trip Permission Slip and Spring Activities

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