High Frequency Words October 5th-9th

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Words to Study for this week October 5th-9th
  1. I
  2. not
  3. have
  4. this
  5. by
  6. were

Review words
  1. from
  2. had

Weekly Sentence
I have a dog.
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Pizza Hut Book It Read Your Heart Out Reading Log Homework

pizza hut

Dear Parents,
You should have received a (red and white) Book It Flyer a couple days ago announcing the “Book It” program we are using for the rest of the school year. Thanks to Mrs. Nelson we can now PRINT OFF THE READING LOG  from the following link http://www.bookitprogram.com/teachers/printables/BookReadingMinute.pdf.  
I will no longer be sending home a reading log  in your child’s homework folder, rather,  I am asking all of you to print the BOOK IT READING LOG  and put it in the plastic sheet protector in your child’s homework folder.
I will collect them at the end of each month. Students who fulfill the reading requirements will earn the personal pizza certificate. This will also go towards the “Pay Day Prize” for completing and returning weekly homework assignments.

I will be sending home another note about Free Kindle Books Monday so look for it in your student’s homework folders.

reading clip art
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Book It

pizza hut
*****Something New***

I am sending a note/flyer about the book it program because :…..
Our class is participating in the “Book It! Read your heart out” program.  Our goal is for each student to read 80 minutes each week.  Once a month awards will be given to all students who have achieved this goal.  Please print out the monthly reading log for your student.  I will collect them the last school day of every month.

Please feel free to go check out their web site.
Happy reading 

reading clip art
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High Frequency Weekly Words

spelling writing-clip-art

Spelling sentence
He is at the zoo.

This weeks High Frequency Spelling words are:
  • be
  • his
  • at
  • or
  • from
  • had

Review words are:
  • they
  • with
SPELLING SENTENCE  5 POINTS POSSIBLE ON TEST (1 point for each correctly spelled word,  1 point for beginning the sentence with an uppercase letter, and 1 point for the correct punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.)
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Math Homework

Image result for free homework clip work
Homework this week is due on Friday, October 2:

Homework for the week Sept. 28th – Oct. 2nd

We will be testing on Monday for Addition Concepts covered in Chapter 1

I am SO EXCITED to be learning about place value.

WE will  be starting a new unit/chapter on Place Value. Please check your students Homework folder for the newest Math Vocabulary Word Cards and examples Monday.
I stapled the Chapter 5 page to the “My Vocabulary Cards” in case you are confused and cant’ find them LOL…
Please look over it as well as the cards, then talk to your student about what they will be learning. they need to know what each word means and how to apply it as well as past vocabulary.

Please have your student do every other HOMEWORK problem alternating between evens and odds. Homework is set up so that your student should not be doing more than one math page  per night unless we are having a short week etc.

Please take out ALL PAPERS covered each day in the BACK KEEP HOME (Blueish part) of your child’s folder. It is the best way to understand what we are covering daily in math, spelling, reading, and writing.

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Parent Teacher Conferences

OH NO!!!
I made a little mistake on the Parent Conference Schedule….Here is the correct student time.
3:30 Oaklee
3:40 Rayne
3:50 Zavian
4:10 Corbin
4:20 Azylin
4:30 Ryllie
4:40 Charlee
4:50 Noah
5:10 Ryker
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Parent Teacher Conferences and Tutoring

http://qacblogs.org/ronda.hills/files/2015/01/ptc.jpegNo Tutoring today because of Parent Teacher Conferences!!!

Here is the schedule for today’s Parent Teacher Conferences:
 Here is my schedule…
3:30 Oaklee Derrickson
3:40 Rayne Baldwin
3:50 Zavian Ferrel
4:10 Corbin Swank
4:20 Azylin Dunyon
4:30 Ryllie Thurgood
4:40 Charlee Williams
4:50 Jason Gumbrecht
5:10 Ryker Clegg
5:20 Kambree Nielson

 I am looking forward to meet with you and your amazing student!
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Spelling and HIgh Frequency Homework

We will be starting HF (High Frequency Words) homework this week. Please refer to the list under the HOMEWORK Label and print off these words if you haven’t yet. he, on, as, are, they, with.
Have students write them daily on a piece of paper as well as a sentence using at least one HF word. Please make sure each sentence starts with an upper case letter and ends with the correct punctuation (ending mark). Return lists with sentences on Friday
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Math Homework September 21st-25th

Image result for free homework clip work
Chapter 1 Vocabulary: Please review the following terms with your student as well as the Vocabulary Cards that go with each term. They have some awesome examples that your student should become VERY familiar with.
add, part, addend, whole, addition number sentence, equals (=), plus (+), sum, zero, false, true…

Lesson 9 (Monday September 21st) Ways to Make 8
We will be exploring many different ways to make 8.

Have your student use things (favorite cereal, beans etc) at home to show you how they can come up with 8
Homework: choose even or odd problems (i.e.  problems 1,3,5,7,…)

Lesson 10 (Tuesday  September 22nd) Ways to  Make 9
We will be exploring many different ways to make 9.
Have your student use things (favorite cereal, beans etc) at home to show you how they can come up with 9.
Homework: choose even or odd problems (i.e.  problems 2,4,6,…)

Lesson 11 (Wednesday September 23rd) Ways to Make 10
We will be exploring many different ways to make .
Have your student use things (favorite cereal, beans etc) at home to show you how they can come up with 9.
Homework: choose even or odd problems (i.e.  problems 1,3,5,…)

Lesson 12 (Thursday September 24th) Find the Missing Parts of 10.
We will be using a 10 frame with this lesson. A ten frame is a tool used to help find sums.
Have your student hold 10 fingers in the air…Say, ” I have o fingers down and 10 up. I have 10 fingers in all. 
NEXT put 1 finger down so you have 9 fingers up in the air…Say, ” I have 1 finger down and 9 up. I have 10 fingers in all. Write a number sentence 1+9=10…Continue this way until you all 10 fingers down. Have your student practice writing a number sentence for each one. Help them see the patterns.
choose even or odd problems (i.e.  problems 2,4,6,…)

Lesson 13 (Friday September 25th) True and False Statement
We will be exploring “A true statement is a fact.” 3+3=6 “A false statement is not a fact.” 3+3=7
Homework: choose even or odd problems (i.e.  problems 1,3,5,…)
Please have your student do their own work including writing all answers to homework . They need the practice and will not receive full credit if homework is filled out by a parent.

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Quest Family Portrait Fundraiser

 This fundraiser will help earn money for STEM CLUBS (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) here at Quest!  Here are the details:

The Technology Department at Quest is hosting a Family Portrait Event Fundraiser to raise money for STEM CLUBS.  This is a fabulous opportunity to get Christmas Cards and all prints will be done in time for Christmas.  Mini Sessions will be held at Quest Academy October 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Toni J. is an award winning photographer and has lowered her sitting fees to only $25 for this event.  She will donate the full sitting fee to Quest and 10% of your print order.  Please call her ASAP to set up your appointment, and then print out this ticket to send to the office with $25 cash or check (please write checks out to Quest Academy).  The last day to set up an appointment and send in the money will be Friday, September 25th.  Thank YOU!
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