Nutty Reminders

1-  Check your child’s homework folder nightly.

– FRIDAY:  Homework due
Reading Log,
High Frequency Word Practice with Sentence. 
My Math Homework 

3- Parent Teacher Conferences on Sept 24 and Oct 29 

Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels

5- Our Scholastic Book Order is due September 25th.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTRZScholastic Book Club

6- Help support STEM: Family Portrait Fundraiser
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Parent Teacher Conferences

The following is our schedule for Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday, September 25th and  Thursday, October 29th and Thursday, November 19th.  Quest breaks up conferences into shorter meetings over the course of several months. I want to meet with all  parents and students at least ONCE in the next three months. If you haven’t  signed up  for PTC yet, please check your schedules  then let me know what time you prefer. Space is on a first come first serve basis.
I will be meeting with parents for conferences later in the year on an as-needed basis. 
September 24th: 

3:30 Oaklee D
3:40 Rayne B.
4:20 Azylin D
4:30 Ryllie T
4:50 Noah C
5:10 Ryker C
5:20 Kambree N

October 29th:
3:30 Rusty P
4:00 Quintin
4:40 Charlee
4:50 McKylie
5:00 Tyce B
5:10 Denver G
5:20 Lexie G

November 19th:
3:30 Jason G


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Letters and Language Arts Skills for September 14th -18th

Monday September 14th Letters and Concepts:
Review Letters Name and Sounds: /Aa/ /Bb/ /Pp/ /Tt/ as well as Rhyming Words

Tuesday September 15th Letter and concept.
Letter Ss…Word chant to help remember how to write it…
Silly Snake Slithers to the left and then the right.
Upper case letter “S” goes from the sky to the ground and lowercase “s” starts in the middle and goes to the ground.
Letter Mm…Word Chant to help remember how to write it…Upper case
M….From the sky to the ground back up slant down slant up then straight down again. Lower case “m” chant to help remember how to write it…
From the man go down,  over one mountain then the next.
We will be listening and watching for words that have the /s/ and /m/ sounds at the beginning and end. 

Wednesday September 16th Letter and Concept
Letter Oo…Word chant
for both upper and lower case is the same other than noting where each starts….upper starts at the upper right in the sky to ground while lower case starts at the upper right in the middle and goes to the ground…Left around the octopus
Letter Cc…Word chant for both upper and lower case “Cc”is the same other than noting where each one starts….upper case “C” starts at the upper right in the sky to ground while lower case starts at the upper right in the middle and goes to the ground… Left around the caterpillar
We will be listening and watching for words that have the /0/  and /c/ sound at the beginning and end. 

Thursday September 17th Review
Review Letters Name and Sounds:  /Ss/ /Mm/ /Oo/ /Cc/ and Rhyming words

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Spelling and Weekly High Frequency Words for September 14th -18th

We have a lot of work to do this week and next. If you haven’t already printed out the High Frequency words this will be the week to do it! I will be  testing on these words this Friday:
1)the  2)of  3)and  4)to  5)a  6)in  7) is 8)that  9)it  10)was 11)for  12)you

You can play some fun games with the the High Frequency Words like word searches in books. Have your Kiddo see how many times they can find each word in the book they are reading.  We did this with our reading buddies this last week and the kids loved it!

Reading Buddies 1 Reading Buddies 2 Reading Buddies 3 Reading Buddies 4
Kids need lots of opportunities to write words and sentences, SSSSOOO have have your student write them daily at home.
They love to write on sticky notes that they can leave on the pages they find each word on.
You can also have them keep a tally on each as they find them.
It will help them connect the importance of reading to their high frequency words. The better they know the words the faster, easier and more fun reading will become.
Another fun way to get writing in is to see how many spelling/high frequency words they can write correctly during the  commercials of their favorite shows.
Playing go fish with the words has been a huge favorite with my classes.

Please feel free to share any fun ways you study Spelling and High Frequency words with your student.
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Homework for September 14th-18th

Image result for free homework clip work
Math homework:
Chapter 1 Vocabulary: Please review the following terms with your student as well as the Vocabulary Cards that go with each term. They have some awesome examples that your student should become VERY familiar with.
add, part, whole, addition number sentence, equals (=), plus (+), sum, zero, false, true…

Students need to know what each word means and how to apply them when given an example so PLEASE CHECK YOUR STUDENTS FOLDERS DAILY for what we went over in class each day, Please make sure your student puts his/her folder back into their backpack, this is also an important part of the homework process. I am trying to teach them that it is their responsibility to make sure they put their folders in their backpacks, but I need your help too ;0)

I will be sending home all the math homework for the week on Monday. You will (should LOL) find it in the front of the homework folder 
Red Label. It needs to be returned on Friday. Since we go over new concepts daily, just have your student do the homework that goes with the concept taught that day, which is another reason to check what is in your student’s homework folder.  Classwork and and FYI notes that stay home are in the back pocket Greenish Blue Label and need to be taken out nightly.
I will let you know, on the blog, which problem(s) I want to have the students work on. However if your student really wants to do them all LOL by all means let them fly with it! 

Lesson 1 (Taught on the 9th)  was about Addition Stories. I loved hearing their stories and for the most part this lesson went well. Story problems can be a lot of fun!
Lesson 2 (Taught on the 10th) was about Modeling Addition. This lesson was harder for the students so show them the card LABELED PART. It involves  “The Parts” (Groups), and  “The Whole”  (How many in all).
Lesson 3 (Taught on the 11) was about Number Sentences. Students should be able to verbalize as well as write number sentences using the correct Math Symbol + and =  when writing a number sentence. They need to know that the answer to an addition sentence (problem) is the Sum.
Lesson 4
(Taught on Monday the 14th) is about Add Zero.
Math Lesson 4 Add Zero
Sorry for the sideways example… This will be what we go over as a group before I “turn them loose” to work on their own. Homework problems due are 1-9 and the Vocabulary Check at the bottom of the page.
Lesson Review (Taught on Tuesday the 15th) is Check My Progress Review. We will be going over all the concepts taught so far. Homework is to go over past classwork, Chapter 1 Math vocabulary and to review vocabulary cards ” addition number sentence”, “equals”, “plus”, “part”, “sum”, “whole” and “zero”.
Lesson 5 (Taught on Wednesday the 16th) is about Vertical Addition.
Math Lesson 5 Vertal Addition
Yeah it’s the right way hahaha This is the page we will be working on together before I “turn them loose” to work on their own. Homework problems 1-5 and 9 as well as the Test Practice.
Lesson 6
(taught on Thursday the 17th)  is Problem Solving: Write a Number Sentence. This one is going to be a little tricky for our kids but I know they can do it! Here is what we will be doing in class. I think it will take most of the time we have so save the “On Your Own” for extra practice and test prep… Homework Student choice…pick your favorite question 1, 2, or 3

Math Lesson 6 Write a Number Sentence

Lesson 7 (Taught on Friday the 18th) is Ways to Make 4 and 5. This will lead us into fact families. I love this lesson because there are so many right answers! Here is what we will be doing before I “turn them loose” to work on their own.  Homework Problems All 1-10 and Test Practice
Math Lesson 7 Ways to Make 4 and 5
Please remember to send All Homework back on Fridays. I told the all the kiddos that we will have a “PAY DAY” at then end of the month but in order to get paid they need to return ALL their homework. Just like you get paid at work so will they…

Thanks Again for all your help and support! You have amazing kids!!!!
Love Mrs. V  and Mrs Hall


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Homework Folders and Homework

Image result for free homework clip work

Hello Parents,
YEAH !?! Today I sent home your student’s green homework folders. Inside, on the two pockets, you will find the two pockets labeled as follows… RED LABEL says ” Notes and Homework Return to School” while the other GREENISH BLUE LABEL says “Notes and Classwork Keep Home.” Please take out all the papers that are to remain at home each night (Green/Blue Label).

MATH HOMEWORK: Please have your student explain what they learned in math that day as  you look at their classwork together. Next, go over the math vocabulary/cards, that go along with that particular lesson (Coming home Thursday),  then have them do their math homework
  found in the (Red Label). 

Image result for free homework clip work
I am currently testing students to find their best reading level for both independent and assisted/guided reading. I should finish with this by Friday. I will notify you, when I have assigned them a specific level for both independent and assisted/guided reading.  This will be especially helpful when we go to pick out books from the school and class libraries.

I will be sending home a
Scholastic book orders Friday so keep an eye out for it! LOL… I would like to close the order for this month on September 25th.  I would prefer that you go online to select and pay for your books however if that is a problem let me know. Having a good home library is fun because it can be personalized to your family’s needs and preferences.

It is my goal to have available to you next week, Raz Kids and  the Starfall library online. You will also see Starfall “Baggie Books coming home once I have this program up and running.”

LOG:  COMING HOME Thursday in the HOMEWORK FOLDER between the two pockets in a sheet protector. Simply record how many minutes your student read each day (At least 5 days for full credit) Please cut out each weeks log by Friday so I can record it.  Leave it loose in the sheet protector and I will take it from there.  Weekend times can be lumped together. Remember it is Quest Academy’s Policy that each student read AT LEAST 20 minutes each day for 5 out of 7 days. Research shows…students who were read to as young children tend to be better readers in addition to understanding what the text is all about. 

I don’t know about you but, I have so many fond memories of both reading and being read too. Here comes a confession… When I was young, I wasn’t a super fast reader nor did I love to read but MAN did I love to be read too. When I was in the 6th grade my grandmother gave me a book, in hopes of inspiring me to read I’m sure,  that I fell in love with. Well it worked! I now had a favorite book and author. This inspired me to FINALLY read for pleasure on my own. Help your student discover who their favorite authors are and which books get them excited about reading. Inspire them to read fiction in all its varieties as well as nonfiction, especially informational texts….They help with all the “Whys and How comes.”  
Reading to your student also shows them what fluent readers should sound like.BE CREATIVE use FUN VOICES!!! It also helps expose them to vocabulary they might not otherwise be exposed to at this age and ability.

ALL HOMEWORK needs to be RETURNED on FRIDAY. There will be 3-4 math homework assignments each week that need to be returned on Friday In addition to a “Reading Log.”
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Important Zoo Field Trip Information


Happy Monday Parents and Students,
 I hope you have been enjoying your day. I just wanted to pass on some important information about tomorrow…
1) Please have your student to school on time and ready to go to the zoo. The buses will be leaving promptly at 8:45 returning at or around 2:30.
2) Please send your student with a disposable lunch that can be thrown away when finished, and a water bottle.
3) Please apply a good sunscreen before your student comes to school.
4) Chaperones please bring a bag to put your groups lunches in.
5) THANKS YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! to our wonderful parent chaperones. If you are unable to come for some reason let me know. I have the class divided the class into 5 groups and possibly a 6th depending on parent chaperones. Each group has 4 students and 2 parent chaperones.
6) If you are driving to the zoo and wish to keep your student with you after we depart for home, you need to first, meet at the bus where I will make sure we have all our little monkey’s then, you may feel free to sign them out using a Quest Academy form. I will not be signing out any students before as all the students need to meet at the bus anyway before we leave.

I m so excited to spend the day with our class as we explore all the animal antics…Rest up it;s going to be a terrific adventure. See you in the morning…
Mrs. V
1st Grade 

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School Information, Online Zoo Payment and Information

Dear Parents,
 Here is some important information about Friday’s Spirit Day. In addition there are a few important updates to our field trip.


yellow pencilField trip donation can be paid in the office or online: Quest Online Payments


School spirit shirt with uniform pants or regular school uniform
Homework due 

No School- Happy Labor Day

Zoo Field Trip
Arrive on time
Wear school uniform with RED shirt, sunscreen, and good walking shoes
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Essential Zoo Information

Zoo EntranceOur Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th.  Here are a few things to know before we go:

1-  Please pay your $3.00 (or more) donation to the Q1 office.  Your donation will help make our field trip a reality.  We greatly appreciate anything that you can donate for our trip.  Thank you for your generosity!  

2- Wear school uniform with RED shirt, sunscreen and good walking shoes!

3- Bring a cold sack lunch from home in a disposable bag with your child’s name.

4- Be on time. Arrive at school by 8:30am.  Bus departs at 8:45am.  We will leave the zoo around 1:00-1:15pm, returning to Quest around 2:00 or 2:30pm.

5- Parent chaperons: Please bring a backpack or bag to carry the lunches of the students in your group.  And a lunch for yourself.  We are planning on all the parents that requested to come being able to come..  I have 3 spaces left on the bus all others will need to plan on driving.  PLEASE let me know which you would prefer the bus or driving on your own.  I will make every effort to accommodate those who NEED/DESIRE bus transportation. It will be avail on a first come first served basis as per request. If your status has changed, please let me know ASAP as I will be finalizing groups tomorrow.  If you are bringing siblings, it is necessary for you to drive your own vehicle.  JUST IN CASE… Please be prepared to pay for yourself and any extra children you bring.  For those driving, plan on meeting us at the zoo at 9:30-9:45am.  The zoo address is 2600 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake, UT, 84108.  
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Inportant Quest Computer Guidelines For Students and Parents

We will be working on the “How To’s” of computer use and programs this coming week. I know your student will be so excited to share what he/she will be learning/doing. 
PLEASE explain to your students the extreme importance of computer care, not picking at the keys, holding the computer with both hands, not coloring or poking the computer.  If your child damages their computer during their time with it, you will be responsible for the repair and they may no longer have the opportunity to use them. If your student has not brought in their over the ear headphones- they will need to have them no later than Tuesday as our STEM Lab and Laptop use begins in the classroom. 
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