We NEED Halloween Party Volunteers!!!

Hello all!  We have parents doing a game for the Halloween Party.  We still need parents to do a craft.  Please let me know if you are available to help us from 10:30-11:30 on Halloween for the class party!!! Thanks!

16 thoughts on “We NEED Halloween Party Volunteers!!!

  1. I can do a craft for the halloween party but i do have to leave by 1115 to pick up hannah from preschool. let me know if that is ok.

    • Is it okay if you help Kathy DeBartolo? She is going to choose a game or craft for the third center at the party. Her email address is kckanefn9@yahoo.com. Would you mind emailing her and maybe finding out what she might need your help with? Thanks so much for your help.
      Miss Waddell

  2. Hey Miss Waddell,

    My boyfriend and I will both be at the halloween party, so I know I will be doing a game, but he will be able to do whatever else you need him to do.



  3. I can help with the craft either by just helping and/or getting a craft. Let me know which one you need. Please if you could let me know by friday so I can get the items over the weekend and schedule the time off. 😀

  4. I will be there, and the game is going to be Mummy Wrap. Teams of 2: 1 mummy, 1 wrapper. Wrapper has a roll of toilet paper to wrap the mummy. First team to finish their roll, wins.

    • I have some parents that are doing that game already, but you are more than welcome to come and help wherever you’d like during the party. Thanks!

  5. Sorry its late notice…but we werent sure if our schedules would allow it. Both Darcy and I are available to help with the Halloween Party on Thursday.

    • Sure! You can both come and help. You both could help with the 4 centers the students will rotate through. The party will start directly after the Halloween parade. The parade starts at 9:00. It is the first year Quest has done a parade, so I don’t really know what time to expect it to be over. I’m guessing the party will start at 10:30ish. Thanks so much!

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