Homework 12/16-12/20

There will not be any new Words Their Way Spelling units this week.  Homework will simply be math reteach assignments (daily), practicing multiplication facts (2, 3, 5, 10), and poems/Great Brain Reports.  The students will have the opportunity to start passing off 3’s this week.  Thanks for all the hard work!

              Study Multiplication Facts
             Study Multiplication Facts
             Study Multiplication Facts
Thursday- Study Multiplication Facts
                Last night to study December poems/complete Great Brain
Friday- Turn in Homework with Reading Log attached

Have an Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

1 thought on “Homework 12/16-12/20

  1. Hey, I have noticed that William’s Poems and Great Brain Reports have been neglected this year. What ARE Great Brain Reports and how can I help him get these completed so that his grade in this area can improve?? Also, I would like to know how his reading test went for November and if he is improving there as well. He has been reading longer books to me and Shane including Flat Stanley and Charlotte’s Web and still struggles with words he’s not as familiar with, but I feel he’s improving with his reading over all. Thank you for any insight you can provide so that we can ensure his success.


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