Homework February 17-20th

I hope everyone had a great long weekend and President’s Day!  Thanks so much for the super fun week last week!  I appreciate all the parents that came on our field trip to the Children’s Theatre and the State Capitol!  It was so much fun!  Also, thanks to all the parents that helped organize and run the party.  It was such a LOVE fest for all!!
**There are 3 math assignments this week, even though it’s  a short week!**

Tuesday-sort words by indicated headings
Group #1-yellow sort 24
Group# 2-yellow sort 30
Group #3-yellow sort 41
Group #4-green sort 2
Math-fractions-part of a set

Wednesday- ABC Sort

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)
Please label every fraction line/fraction on each number line (not just the A,B,C,D).
Fractions on a number line

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.

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