Service Learning Project

A part of STEM is learning to give back and being involved in the global community. For our first project, we wanted to show gratitude by sharing what we have with others who may not be as fortunate as we are. Thanksgiving is a perfect time to focus on others. Our new friends in Bottle Hollow, Utah are in need of school supplies and books. Their classrooms don’t have classroom libraries or access to any technology and they have very few school supplies.

Our third grade will be collecting new or gently used books. There are a lot of ways to do this. You can donate books you no longer need from home. You can order the $1.00 books off of the book order. You can visit the DI and find an old favorite you would like to share. Or, use your imagination and find a fun way to donate.

We are also collecting pencils, colored pencils, crayons, notebooks (of all kinds), lined paper, construction paper, glue, two pocket folders. and student scissors. These items need to new.

We will be preparing and wrapping the gifts on November 16th. Please have all donations turned in by that day.

This is not a required activity, we just think it would be fun to show our gratitude for all we have, by sharing with others. We totally understand if you are not in the position to donate at this time.


The Third Grade Teachers

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