Week of February 12th-16th

I hope everyone had a good weekend!  We have a VERY busy week, so make sure you’ve read all the blog posts about all we have planned.  I posted about the busy day on February 14th (Valentine’s Day cards and Multiplication Mastery Celebration), and the Planetarium field trip permission slip.  Please get updated on all the stuff we have coming up!  Thanks! 🙂 

Spelling: unit 4 week 4
Math:  We will continue on FRACTIONS this week.  W are officially done learning the multiplication facts. We will be passing off facts until Valentine’s Day.  Please be studying your math facts at home!!!  The Multiplication Mastery ice cream sundae party is on this Wednesday, February 14th from 1:30-3:00.  WE would love lots of help.  Parents that come to volunteer, please bring ice cream scoops.  Thanks!  Our class is in charge of  vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.  WE are still in need of whipped cream.  Please let me know if you are willing to donate.  

**REMINDER that Thursday is always Library Day.  Please remember to bring your books back to change on this day.

Important Dates:

President’s Day-Monday, February 19th——NO SCHOOL
Parent/Teacher Conferences- February 20th and 22nd (sign-up on Bloomz)
Planetarium Fieldtrip- Thursday, February 15th
Aquarium Fieldtrip- Tuesday, May 8th
Multiplication Madness/Mastery Celebration- Wednesday, February 14th @ 2:00

Reading Homework:
Please read 20 minutes every night (M-Th) and record your minutes read on the Reading Log.  Please return the Reading Log on Friday.

Math Homework:
Please go to prodigygame.com (or click on the link to the right, under math).  Your student’s login information is the last week’s post.  Please have your child do Prodigy for at least 15 minutes (M-Th).

**Short Day every Friday at 1:30!! 

2 thoughts on “Week of February 12th-16th

  1. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH do you love me the same way cause it kind of seems like you don’t anweser yes or no send back on computer and circle…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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