Halloween Parade and Party

Just wanted to give all parents a heads up about the Halloween Party on Wednesday, October 31st. The Halloween Parade will start at 9:00 am, and parents are welcome to come and enjoy. Our class will walk the halls of Q1 and Q2 in costumes. So, students will wear their Halloween costumes to school! 🙂 Please remember NO heavy face make-up, masks or weapons…I need to be able to recognize the kiddos. The classroom party will start at 10:00 and last until 11:30 (when the students go to recess and lunch). Parent volunteers are planning a Halloween party where donuts and cookies will be served. Please fill out the Food Permission Google form on the blog (from last week) to let me know you are okay with your child eating the foods given that day. It is an early out day with 1:30 dismissal. Please let me know if you have any other questions. We are all excited for Halloween Fun!!

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