Homework for May 16th-20th

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!!  This is the last week of homework for the year!  YAY!!!  Can you believe we only have 10 days of school left??!!
The Dress Rehearsal went great on last Thursday!  Thanks for all the donations for the play.  I will return everything after the play is over on May 24th.  Please let me know if you need anything for your child’s costume.   

**We will be painting the backdrop for the play on Tuesday, May 17th at 8:30. (Please send an old t-shirt for your child to paint in this day.)  If you are able to volunteer and help us, that would be so great!  Also, if you know where we can get large refrigerator boxes, that would be great as well.  We are having a hard time finding them this year. **

In math, we have been reviewing and preparing for our SAGE Tests this week. For math homework, I want to review some skills that were pretty tricky this year.

**We have the SAGE Math tests this week on Tuesday (5/17) from 2:00-3:00 and Thursday (5/19) from 1:00-2:00.**

** We will be performing the actual play on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.**

**We are officially done with WTW spelling sorts, but we will be reviewing the 300 high frequency words for third grade. For the last week of homework, it will only consist of math and 20 minutes of daily reading minutes.**

Math hmwk-elapsed-time-review hmwk

Math hmwk-elapsed-time-review hmwk2

Math hmwk-add:sub review hmwk

Math hmwk-add:sub review hmwk 2

Friday-Homework and Daily Reading Log due!

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