Homework for February 27th to March 3rd

Thank you to all the parents that took the time out of their schedules to come to Parent Teacher Conferences last week!  It was nice to sit down and chat with you all! 🙂

Dr. Seuss Week:
Monday-Wear a hat to school.
Tuesday-Wear wild socks to school.
Wednesday-Wear wacky hair to school.
Thursday-Wear green to school.
Friday-Wear wild animal prints, face paint or headbands.
**Short Day on Friday, but it is NOT a Dress Down Day!!**


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night. Please sign and return it on Friday.

Math-We will be working on fractions throughout the next month.
Monday-comparing fractions hmwk 1 (Please make sure to print off BOTH pages.)
Tuesday- comparing fractions hmwk 2
Wednesday- comparing fractions hmwk
Thursday- Dr. Seuss’ Birthday- No Math Homework!!! **
Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Spelling This week the students will be reviewing long and short /o/ vowel sounds.
Please print off this sort: 2-19 Sheet1
Monday-Indicated Sort
Tuesday-ABC Sort
Wednesday-Sort by the number of letters in each word
Thursday-Speed Sort
The students will use this sort to practice the indicated patterns. Quest has asked us to have the students type their spelling word sort each night, but I would like to keep homework quick and simple. Just have your children sort the words. They do not need to type or write the sort.

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