**Important!!! RISE Testing Schedule!!!**

It’s time to get started with our end of year RISE testing.  I really want to make sure your children are well rested and full with a BIG, yummy breakfast on these testing dates.  Also, please make sure your children are here and are ON TIME these days!  We want them to be as successful as possible.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  

Also, research shows that students are calmer and focus better when they chew peppermint gum during tests.  So, I will be giving peppermint gum to the students during each session.  If you do not want your child to have gum, please contact me and let me know.  Thanks so much for all you do!

RISE Language Arts Session #1-Tuesday, May 7th @ 1:25-2:15
RISE Language Arts Session #2-Thursday, May 9th @ 12:40-1:30

**Week of May 13th-17th is MAKE UP Language Arts TESTING**

RISE Math Session #1- Monday, May 20th @ 10:15-11:00
RISE Math Session #2- Wednesday, May 22nd @ 8:45-9:30

**Week of May 28th-30th is MAKE UP Math TESTING**

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