Week of October 8th-12th

I hope y’all had a wonderful and restful weekend! There are A LOT of announcements this week, so please take note:

**Apple witches info and patterns were sent home today.  Please start looking for fabric.
**Parent/Teacher Conference Sign-Ups are on BLOOMZ.  Please get on and sign-up for a time that best fits your schedule.
**Canned Food Drive from now until November 1st.
**Picture make-up day is Tuesday, October 9th.
**Canned Food Drive Dress Down Days are October 12th and 26th.
**Fall Break is October 17-19th, so NO SCHOOL on those days! 🙂

***If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and get the BLOOMZ app and create an account.  The BLOOMZ class code is UEDPZG.  Please make sure you set your account up so you receive notifications.  These are the two main forms of communication, so I’d love all the parents getting all the reminders. Thanks!****

**Tuesday is Library, so the students need to bring their books back on that day.**


 Math:  Each student will need to get onto www.reflexmath.com and complete their “green light” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (4 sessions).  I will teach the students how to login to the app/website.  Just in case they don’t remember, the class username is “waddell3” and all passwords are “rams”.

Reading:  Each student needs to read at least 20 minutes (Monday-Thursday).  Please print off the Reading Log, fill out the form and return on Friday.  The Reading Log can be cut into fourths and used over the next four weeks.  If for some reason, you can’t print it off, please write it on paper instead. 🙂

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