
Dear Parents,
I have been keeping all of the art projects that we have made throughout the year.  I make an art book that they take home on the last day of school.  I am looking for 1 or 2 parents that would like to volunteer to help me put them together during the month of May.  It is not a small project, but you can come in whenever you’d like and put them together on your own time.  They are really beautiful when they are completed!  Please comment or email me if you are willing to help.  Thanks so much!

7 thoughts on “HELP!!!!

  1. I can help for a couple of hours on may 1st. I can help the hour before store on the 2nd and then again on the 16th.

  2. Is this a project that can be worked on at home? I would love to help. My only problem is my younger two children would not have a babysitter if this needs to be done only at the school. I have several hours at night after kids are in bed 🙂 that I would be more than willing to put this together for you if this is an option.

    • There is a binding machine that you have to use that belongs to the school. I can’t send that home with you. Thanks for offering though.

  3. Has anyone else came in to help you with the binding of those art books? If not I probably could get a couple more finished while I’m working the book fair. I will also look and see what meetings I have on Friday. I may be able to get out of work early to come finish them. Let me know.

    Thank you! =)

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