Homework for Sept. 12th-16th

URGENT!!! We are going to carve witch apples on FRIDAY! Please send your child with a MEDIUM size apple on or before Friday. If you are NOT going to be able to provide an apple for your child, please e-mail me or send me a notice through BLOOMZ.

If you have not signed up for Bloomz, please do, it has already proven to be a very useful tool in communication with parents.


Of course, reading is the most important part of our homework! All of us should be reading 20 minutes a night, 5 nights a week. Please print off the Sort and Reading Log to record how many minutes your child read each night.  Please sign and return it on Friday.

This week’s math homework will be completed on www.Prodigygame.com There are 4 assignments on rounding, and will easily be completed over 4 nights for about 15 minutes on the program. If you have not connected to our class, please do so.

We are starting spelling this week for the first time.  Our class will be working on long a sounds with the /ai/ and /ay/ patterns.  Please print off this sort: yellow sort 19
The students will use this sort to practice the indicated patterns.  Quest has asked us to have the students type their spelling word sort each night, but I haven’t trained the students yet, so they are just sorting them this week. They will be expected to type them next week.

Monday-Sort words by indicated patterns ( /ai/, /ay/, and /oddballs/-all other patterns)
 Tuesday-ABC Sort (Sort the words by initial letters.)
Wednesday- Speed Sort (Sort the words as quickly as they can.)
Thursday-Glue sort (Glue the words down in the indicated vowel pattern.)
**Please make a note on the Sort and Reading Log that a sort was done each night.**

Homework for Sept. 6-9th

I hope everyone had a wonderful long Labor Day weekend!  The extra rest was wonderful! This week we are starting math homework for the week and turning in a reading log.  The nice part about the math homework is that you can complete the one sheet anytime throughout the week.  
We will start spelling next week.  We have to finalize some testing this week before we start the spelling homework.  So, look out for that next Monday on the homework post.

Math Hmwk- 1 Math HW Q1 (Rounding)

urn in on Friday with Sort and Reading Log 
**Don’t worry about recording sorts on the reading log.  Like I said before, that will start next week.**


I will be assigning Prodigy starting the week of Labor Day. I have access to all of the students work that they do. I can see how many minutes they were on the game and how many problems that they have answered. If you do not have access to the internet, I will have an alternative options available.  The students can get on and start playing on
www.prodigygame.com as soon as they would like.  The class code is GTM29S.

No homework this week!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!!  Last week was a great first full week of school.  We are not officially starting homework until next week.  You children should be reading 20 minutes every night, but you do not need to send the reading log back to school until next week when we start homework.  Thanks so much for all the hard work this last week!

In math, we are working on place value, comparing numbers, ordering numbers.  We will also be moving on to rounding this week.  Rounding is pretty tricky for most students, so we will work very hard on it this week!

**Reminder:This Friday, September 2nd is a short day with 1:00 dismissal.  IT IS NOT A DRESS DOWN DAY!!!!
Next Monday, September 5th is Labor Day and there is NO SCHOOL.

Homework for May 16th-20th

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!!  This is the last week of homework for the year!  YAY!!!  Can you believe we only have 10 days of school left??!!
The Dress Rehearsal went great on last Thursday!  Thanks for all the donations for the play.  I will return everything after the play is over on May 24th.  Please let me know if you need anything for your child’s costume.   

**We will be painting the backdrop for the play on Tuesday, May 17th at 8:30. (Please send an old t-shirt for your child to paint in this day.)  If you are able to volunteer and help us, that would be so great!  Also, if you know where we can get large refrigerator boxes, that would be great as well.  We are having a hard time finding them this year. **

In math, we have been reviewing and preparing for our SAGE Tests this week. For math homework, I want to review some skills that were pretty tricky this year.

**We have the SAGE Math tests this week on Tuesday (5/17) from 2:00-3:00 and Thursday (5/19) from 1:00-2:00.**

** We will be performing the actual play on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.**

**We are officially done with WTW spelling sorts, but we will be reviewing the 300 high frequency words for third grade. For the last week of homework, it will only consist of math and 20 minutes of daily reading minutes.**

Math hmwk-elapsed-time-review hmwk

Math hmwk-elapsed-time-review hmwk2

Math hmwk-add:sub review hmwk

Math hmwk-add:sub review hmwk 2

Friday-Homework and Daily Reading Log due!

Homework for May 9th- 13th

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It’s pretty crazy how fast the days are flying by! This week, we will be reviewing for our Math and LA SAGE tests that are coming up over the next two weeks.

In math, we pretty much finished up the end of the third grade math curriculum last week with equations. For math homework, I want to review some skills that were pretty tricky this year. In class, we will focus on story problems since SAGE is filled with them.

**We have the SAGE Language Arts tests this week on Wednesday (5/11) from 1:00-2:00 and Friday (5/13) from 2:00-3:00.**

I posted on the blog Friday about painting the backdrop for the play. Please let me know if you will be able to help us! Thanks! 🙂

**Please start getting costumes together for Dress Rehearsal on Thursday, May 12th at 2:00. We will be performing the actual play on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.**

**We are officially done with WTW spelling sorts, but we will be reviewing the 300 high frequency words for third grade. For the last few weeks of homework, it will only consist of math and 20 minutes of reading minutes.**

Math hmwk-review hmwk 1

Math hmwk-review hmwk 2

Math hmwk-review hmwk 3

Math hmwk-review hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Reading Log due!

Homework for May 9th-13th

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  It’s pretty crazy how fast the days are flying by!  This week, we will be reviewing for our Math and LA SAGE tests that are coming up over the next two weeks.  

In math, we pretty much finished up the end of the third grade math curriculum last week with equations. For math homework, I want to review some skills that were pretty tricky this year.  In class, we will focus on story problems since SAGE is filled with them.  

**We have the SAGE Language Arts tests this week on Wednesday (5/11) from 1:00-2:00 and Friday (5/13) from 2:00-3:00.**

I posted on the blog Friday about painting the backdrop for the play.  Please let me know if you will be able to help us!  Thanks! 🙂

**Please start getting costumes together for Dress Rehearsal on Thursday, May 12th at 2:00.  We will  be performing the actual play on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.**

**We are officially done with WTW spelling sorts, but we will be reviewing the 300 high frequency words for third grade.  For the last few weeks of homework, it will only consist of math and reading minutes.**

Math hmwk-review hmwk 1

Math hmwk-review hmwk 2

Math hmwk-review hmwk 3

Math hmwk-review hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for April 25th-29th

I hope everyone had another nice, relaxing weekend! There are lots of important pieces of information you need to know. As we bringing the year to a close, there will be a lot of announcements I will be posting. Please make sure you’re checking the blog often. Thanks!

In math, we finished up mass with grams and kilograms last week, and we are moving on to measuring length with inches (quarter inch, half inch and three-fourth inches). This unit is pretty fun for the kids! It will be a nice way to mix things up!

**We have the SAGE writing tests this week (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). Please make sure your students are here on time those days.  I posted our class SAGE schedule for the end of the year. Please check it out a few posts back.**

I posted all play parts last week. If you have not read that post, please go back and read it for details. I did have to make a schedule change for the day of the play. We will now be performing it on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.

**This is our last week of WTW sorts.  WE have so many things that are going on in May, so we will only have math homework and reading minutes due each Friday for the rest of the year.**
Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 31
Group #2-yellow sort 43
Group #3-yellow sort 43
Group #4-yellow sort 49

Math hmwk-inches hmwk 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-inches hmwk 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-inches hmwk 3

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-inches hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Logdue!

Homework for April 18th-22nd

I hope everyone had another nice, relaxing weekend! There are lots of important pieces of information you need to know. As we bringing the year to a close, there will be a lot of announcements I will be posting. Please make sure you’re checking the blog often. Thanks!

In math, we finished up liquid capacity with milliliters and liters last week, and we are moving on to measuring weight in mass (grams and kilograms). This unit is pretty fun for the kids! It will be a nice way to mix things up!
**I will be using graham crackers for a math activity this week.  Please let me know if you DO NOT want your child to have any.  Thanks!**

Our field trip to the Aquarium is this Thursday, April 21st.  IT should be such a fun time!  We are super excited!

**I posted our class SAGE schedule for the end of the year. Please check it out a few posts back.**

I posted all play parts last week. If you have not read that post, please go back and read it for details. I did have to make a schedule change for the day of the play. We will now be performing it on Tuesday, May 24rd (the last Tuesday of school) in the Q1 gym from 2:00-3:00.

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 30
Group #2-yellow sort 42
Group #3-yellow sort 42
Group #4-yellow sort 48

Math hmwk-mass hmwk 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Math hmwk-mass hmwk 2

Wednesday- Open Sort
Math hmwk-mass hmwk 3

Thursday- Speed Sort
Math hmwk-mass hmwk 4

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!