Homework January 11-14th

Good Morning friends!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  I sure did…I was in dire need of rest after a busy week back to real life! This week we are back at it!  There are new WTW spelling groups starting this week.  Your children were given their new group numbers this week, so they know what group number they are in and what sort they were introduced to this morning.  Let me know if you have any questions about the new groups.
With math, I have taught all multiplication facts from 0-11.  I will teach the 12’s and the students can pass them off, but it is not a required fact that is included in their grade.  Students can continue to pass off multiplication facts until February 12th (Multiplication Madness Party), so keep studying at home!  We are starting area this week in math, so it will build on the facts we have been learning.

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 19
Group #2-yellow sort 31
Group #3-yellow sort 31
Group #4-yellow sort 36
**I am aware that your child may have already done some of these sorts this year, but  they need to be placed into the correct sort group that they tested into.  This will be a good review for the students that may not have tested very well on those patterns.**

**Monday Math hmwk-area 1

Tuesday– ABC sort
Math hmwk-area 2

Wednesday-Speed Sort
Math hmwk-area 3

Thursday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Friday-NO SCHOOL for students/End of Term
**Don’t forget there is NO SCHOOL on Monday (Jan. 18th) in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!  Have a nice 4 day weekend)) 🙂

Homework for January 4th-8th, 2016 :)

Good Morning and Happy New Year!!!  I hope everyone had a nice, long, and relaxing Christmas Break!!!  Mine was fabulous!  Let’s start 2016 great!!  
We are finishing up learning about the last few multiplication facts this week: we will learn the 6’s, 7’s and 8’s.  Students will still be able to pass off multiplication facts up until February 14th (Multiplication Madness Party).  Next week, we will move on to area in math.    

I thought we were going to be able to do the Words Their Way Spelling Inventory the last week of school before Christmas Break, but we were too busy and didn’t get around to it…oops!  Therefore, we will not do any WTW spelling sorts again this week.  I will be giving  the Spelling Inventory Monday of this week and we will be starting new sort groups next week.  I will let the students know the new groups they will be in starting next week.
We will have math homework and reading minutes every night this week.  Thanks so much  for all your hard work and support in 2015.  I promise you will see SO much growth in your children throughout January and February!!  IT’s awesome to see!

Monday- 6 facts hmwk
uesday- 7 facts hmwk
ednesday- 8 facts hmwk
hursday-check my progress hmwk
Friday- Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for December 14th-18th

Good Morning!  Last week went by even faster than the week before.  This week will be over before we know it!!  The kids are passing off multiplication facts like crazy!!  Last week the students had an opportunity to pass off their 9’s, 3’s and 4’s.  This week, I will not be introducing new facts.  WE will have a review week for the students that haven’t passed off all their facts so far.  Please continue to study multiplication facts at home!!  Thanks for all your hard work!
No WTW Spelling Sorts this week…we will be giving the Spelling Inventory again to see if any students need to move groups starting in the new year.  We will still have math and reading homework every night.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! Please have a fun and safe holiday break!  WE will see you all back to school on Monday, January 4th! 🙂  

**Monday Math hmwk-Reteach_Worksheet_Problem_Solving_Investigation_Use_Models

Tuesday Math hmwk-Check_My_Progress division

Wednesday Math hmwk-Prodigy 15 minutes (Please note on reading log that it was completed.)

Thursday Math hmwk-Prodigy 15 minutes (Please note on reading log that it was completed.)

Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!
**Dollar Dress Down Day/Short Day with Early Out at 1:00.
**Grinch Party-students can dress up in Grinch gear or be a “Who”, but NO face paint        please.  
**Winter Party-Please bring a wrapped White Elephant gift to school.

Homework for December 6-10th

Good Morning to all of you!  Last week flew by like a flash!!  We got SO much done though!!!!  The kids are passing off multiplication facts like crazy!!  Last week the students had an opportunity to pass off their 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 11’s.  This week, the students can pass off 9’s, 3’s and 4’s.  Please study multiplication facts at home!!  Thanks for all your hard work!

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 22
Group #2-yellow sort 28
Group #3-yellow sort 34
Group #4-yellow sort 40
Group #5-yellow sort 46

**Monday Math hmwk-division word problems

Tuesday- ABC sort
Math hmwk-9 multiplication facts

Wednesday-Open Sort (Sort the words however you’d like.)
Math hmwk-3 multiplication facts

Thursday-Speed Sort
Math-4 multiplication facts

FridayHomework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for November 30th-December 4th

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving break and got lots of rest!!  WE are back to the grind for another three weeks until Christmas Break.  These next few weeks will fly by I’m sure, but we still have so much to do before Christmas comes.  I hope everyone had a chance to study their multiplication facts over the break.  Everyone has passed off their 0’s and 1’s.  We will be passing off 2’s, 5’s and 10’s this week.  Please have your children practice and do flash cards with homework.  
**Please mark your calendars: We actually changed the date of our Mutliplication Madness Celebration to Valentine’s Day (Friday, Feb. 13th at 2:00 in the gym), so it will take the place of our class party.**

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.

Group #1-yellow sort 21
Group #2-yellow sort 27
Group #3-yellow sort 33
Group #4-yellow sort 39
Group #5-yellow sort 45

**Math hmwk-2 multiplication facts hmwk

Tuesday- ABC sort
Math hmwk-5 multiplication facts hmwk

Wednesday-Open Sort (Sort the words however you’d like.)
Math hmwk-inverse operations hmwk

Thursday-Speed Sort
Math-inverse hmwk

FridayHomework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for November 16th-20th

**As a grade level, we decided not to do Spelling WTW groups this week, so there will be NO sorts for homework.**

Monday-division equal groups
Tuesday-Division with equal groups hawk (Students need to show equal groups to get the answer.)
Wednesday-repeated subtraction
Friday-Homework and Sort and Reading Log due!
           -Dollar Dress Down Day!
           -Short Day with 1:00 dismissal
I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving Break!! Remember No school next week! See everyone back at school on Monday, November 30th!  Study November poems and multiplication facts over the break.  Also, complete Great Brain reports if you aren’t done yet. 🙂

Homework November 2nd-6th

Monday-Sort words by indicated spelling pattern.
Group #1-yellow sort 19
Group #2-yellow sort 25
Group #3-yellow sort 31
Group #4-yellow sort 37
Group #5-yellow sort 42
Math hmwk-perimter with square units 1 

Tuesday- ABC sort
Math hmwk-perimeter with square units 2 

Wednesday-Open Sort (Sort the words however you’d like.)
Math hmwk-perimeter with square units 3 

Thursday-Speed Sort
Math-Prodigy for 15 minutes

FridayHomework and Sort and Reading Log due!

Homework for October 26-30th

We are not doing WTW spelling sorts this week due to Halloween and all the craziness that goes along with it! Just a heads up!!  So, the students need to do their math assignment each night and read 20 minutes as well.

Monday-perimeter 1
uesday-perimeter-composite shapes
Wednesday-perimeter-composite figures with units
Thursday-Prodigy for 15 minutes
Friday- Homework and Sort and Reading Log turned in today.
           Halloween Parade from 9-10:00
           Halloween Party 10-11:30
           Early out at 1:00

***ATTENTION: This week is “Positive ME” week!***
Mon. 26th: “Scare Away Bad Health”- Wear crazy socks.

Tues. 27th: “Scare Away Drugs”- Wear red.

Wed. 28th: “Scare Away Bullies”- Show team spirit by wearing a team jersey or t-shirt.

Thur. 29th: “Scare Away Negativity”- Wear favorite accessory such as a bracelet, necklace, pin, hair bow, belt, tie, Please no hats.

Fri.30th: “Scare Up Some Fun”- Wear a costume or wear orange.

We will have a raffle for students, 2 winners per day. Prizes are a drug free logo backpack filled with crayons products and a red ribbon week frisbee.