Homework February 23-27th

REMINDER: Don’t forget that February Poems need to be passed off no later than Friday and Great Brain Report needs to be turned in by Friday as well.
**There are 4 math assignments this week!**

Monday-sort words by indicated headings
Group #1-yellow sort 25
Group# 2-yellow sort 31
Group #3-yellow sort 42
Group #4-green sort 3
Math-Fractions on a number line 1

Tuesday-ABC Sort
fractions on a number line 2

Wednesday- Speed Sort

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)
equivalent-fractions hmwk

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.

Homework February 17-20th

I hope everyone had a great long weekend and President’s Day!  Thanks so much for the super fun week last week!  I appreciate all the parents that came on our field trip to the Children’s Theatre and the State Capitol!  It was so much fun!  Also, thanks to all the parents that helped organize and run the party.  It was such a LOVE fest for all!!
**There are 3 math assignments this week, even though it’s  a short week!**

Tuesday-sort words by indicated headings
Group #1-yellow sort 24
Group# 2-yellow sort 30
Group #3-yellow sort 41
Group #4-green sort 2
Math-fractions-part of a set

Wednesday- ABC Sort

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)
Please label every fraction line/fraction on each number line (not just the A,B,C,D).
Fractions on a number line

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.

Homework February 9-13th

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Be aware that we have a field trip to the Children’s Theatre in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, February 10th. Please sign and return it by today please. Every child needs to pay $5.00 to the front office by Friday to cover their admission into the play. Thanks!

REMINDER: Our class Valentine’s Day Party is on Thursday, February 12th.  Please make sure your child brings 22 Valentine Cards on the 12th.

Monday-sort words by indicated headings
Group #1-yellow sort 23
Group# 2-yellow sort 29
Group #3-yellow sort 40
Group #4-green sort 1

Tuesday- ABC Sort

Wednesday- Speed Sort
Ch 10 L1 part of a whole

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)
Ch.10 L3 Part of a set

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.

Homework February 2-6th

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Be aware that we have a field trip to the Children’s Theatre in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, February 10th.  Please sign and return it by Friday please. Every child needs to pay $5.00 to the front office by Friday to cover their admission into the play. Thanks!
**Please notice there are 4 math assignments this week and they are tricky! Please sit down with your child and make sure they are working through everything correctly while understanding it all.  Thanks!**

REMINDER: SAGE Writing Assessments this Tuesday and Thursday.  

Monday-sort words by indicated headings
Group #1-yellow sort 22
Group# 2-yellow sort 28
Group #3-yellow sort 39
Group #4-yellow sort 50

Tuesday- ABC Sort

Wednesday- Speed Sort

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.

Homework January 26-30th

Good Morning!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Be aware that we have a field trip to the Children’t Theatre in Salt Lake City on February 10th.  The permission slip will be put up on the blog either today or tomorrow. Please signs and return it by Friday please.  Thanks!

Monday-sort words by indicated headings
Group #1-yellow sort 21
Group# 2-yellow sort 27
Group #3-yellow sort 38
Group #4-yellow sort 49

Tuesday- ABC Sort

Wednesday- Speed Sort
mutliplying 3 factors

Thursday-Open Sort (Sort any way you’d like.)

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.

Homework January 20th-23rd

Yay!  We are all done with Multiplication Madness!!!  The kids did awesome!  Thanks so much for all your hard work!  Thanks also to all the parents that donated for the party and volunteered their time.  It was a good time for all!  

Tuesday-sort words by indicated headings
Group #1-yellow sort 20
Group# 2-yellow sort 26
Group #3-yellow sort 37
Group #4-yellow sort 48

Wednesday- ABC Sort

Thursday- Speed Sort
Divide by 11 and 12 hmwk

Friday- Turn in homework and Sort and Reading Log.

Homework January 12-15

This is the last week to pass off multiplication facts. Please study at home this week. Remember that Multiplication Madness will be over this week.  We will have our ice cream sundae party on Thursday, January 15th at 2:00 in the gym.

**Please be aware that there are new WTW spelling sort groups.  The students know what sort group they are in now.  Also, the students will be taking the same type of WTW Spelling Tests on Fridays, but the students will have to complete a dictation test as well.  The sentence(s) will consist of words that are not in their weekly sorts, but that have the same patterns.  This will show me if the students learned the pattern for the week.**
Monday- Sort words under given headings.
Group #1-yellow sort 19
Group# 2-yellow sort 25
Group #3-yellow sort 36
Group #4-yellow sort 47

Tuesday- ABC Sort
Ch. 8 L 5

Wednesday- Letter Sort (# of letters)

Thursday- Return homework with Sort and Reading Log

riday- No School/Teacher Work Day
Monday- January 19th- No School due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day

First Homework of 2015

Students will be able to pass off their 8’s and 12’s this week (and next). Please study at home this week. They will continue to have the opportunity to pass off multiplication facts that we introduced in past weeks, but I am going to let the students who are ready get the new facts completed.  Remember the Multiplication Madness Celebration is Thursday January 15th.  Students must have their facts passed off by that date.  Remember this is a grade as well.
**No WTW Sorts this week due to formations of new groups being made.  Plus we are on a field trip one whole day this week, so we will be working on high frequency words in the classroom.  NO WORD WORK HOMEWORK THIS WEEK!!!!**  Look for new groups next week.

Monday- Ch 8 L 1

Tuesday- Reteach_Worksheet_Multiply_by_7

Wednesday- Reteach_Worksheet_Divide_by_6_and_7

Thursday-Return math homework with Sort and Reading Log attached.

Friday- Field trip all day in SLC!!! 🙂


We have so many other things going on next week, we will not have word sorts or math homework.  We will also not be taking a Words Their Way test on Friday.  Students are still responsible for reading minutes and studying multiplication facts.  We will be focusing on our 7’s this week.  Remember that Multiplication Madness is over on January 15th.  Please work on these facts so your children can pass off all their facts.